since when does alden have a premire street racing road? :rofl:

My dad ended up gettin hauled outta his truck by the cops at 2am comin home from workon Pavement RD and was thrown in lancaster high school for the night. We came to get him at like 3pm on friday and they just left his truck in the middle of the street. :bloated:

And once again. East Bumfuck FTW! we got maybe two inches and all power has been on since friday night at 9

lol 2 5000 watt generators + line filters = w00t TV and internet

8000 @ myhouse with line filters and 220 line :slight_smile:

No power in South Buffalo behind Mercy, it’s a little frustrating, the hospital, Trocaire, and the catholic school behind me have power. The hospital never lost power (believe me, we KNOW when their generator kicks on, they test it once a month at 6am) The school’s floodlights light up my dark backyard. 2 streets over has power, not sure the other way (other side of Red Jacket).

The power company came by yesterday and attempted to reset the main fuse for our neighborhod but that didn’t work, apparently they found the problem but have to have a line crew come in and fix the line before restoring power, no idea when that will be but at least there is progress. The crew was from Oswego! Kudos to them for coming out to help.

I’m at my sisters now, they have power.

Here are a few pics of my yard and the damage…

Looks worse than it is, only a broken windshield

looking toward Trocaire and Mercy (I fixed the flag)

Both the Saturn and the Lotus project are safe, both worth more than the van

My wife, our street

Thank god the beer is safe!

yea my neighboorhood is destroyed… out of all of the side streets we can only get out through one way… just got power back today at 11am

Pics from the morning, 18" measured.


Streets of Williamsville




Glen Park



damn bryan, those pics are nuts. considering my house is in cowlesville i’m sure my parents got rocked pretty hard too. good thing i’m in cali though :wink:

I got my power back yesterday at around noon.Phone is dead,so I had to :snky: someones wireless.

Im really glad that timmy ho’s is back up,i was going through withdraw.


Closed Monday



Thank fucking God!!! I am finally DONE!!! We just got released. I was on standby from 5pm thursday till well like 15 min ago. Got maby 10 hrs of sleep all weekend. I am so tired I cant see straight. This weekend sucked balls!

It looked so pretty

Well, my boss calls me and says we have power at our office at Main and Harlem, and he expects me there at 9AM.

I don’t have power at my house, and I don’t plan on going home today to sleep in my 50 degree house, with no water since they turned it off in my neighborhood because of sewer issues.

I told my boss this, and also mentioned “rush hour, driving ban, no traffic lights, 9AM?” and he just bitched at me

My boss lives a block away from his office, and has power at his house and at the office. He told me “The driving ban? what ban? i drove around all day and there are no traffic issues. Be here at 9am!”

I am so annoyed right now. I know that is impossible.

I work for a computer company. What kind of work can I do when everywhere else doesn’t have power?! You’ve gotta be joking…

So, who else has to work tomorrow and is scratching their head wondering what their boss is thinking?

Apparently all businesses Downtown are supposed to be open too, but “discression should be used” I know my Dad isn’t going in. My mom either, her work doesn’t have power.

Tomorrow morning is going to be the worst disaster cluster-F*#@ ever…

“it looked so pretty”

how many times have I said that and then ended up needing medication the next day…

So go into work and do nothing. :confused:

I hope I don’t. I need to paint my living room.

no class at UB which is nice but still have to work…

Didn’t stop where I work from opening up on Saturday, hell they were considering opening on Friday afternoon. Sure only half the employee’s showed up yesterday. :shrug:

Then again this place seems to have a weather forcefield or something. Never even saw the power flicker once the whole time I’ve been here.

i’ll be at work at 8am…

The street I’m on really lucked out so appears. The streets near us are complete disasters and ours is mostly clear at this point. Only lost cable, on that note if anyone needs anything stored (spoilable food, etc.) I have an empty fridge/power/heat whatever you need most likely.

So if anyone needs anything. The door is open, just send a PM.