
There is still about 6" of snow here, but it is melting fairly quickly…

still no power, or even a sign of a power truck, tree cutter or anything else for that matter

so anyone want to do something for the bills fooseball game today? I am really getting bored with a hint of cabin fever lol

what the fuck did you just say?

still up for that lan sometime? lol

helping neighbors out = dirty looks ?

I spent yesterday helping another neighbor clear the streets, sidewalks and storm drains around our neighborhood and at the school nearby. We asked permission before working near each house, and everyone was happy let us go at it , but only one person came out to help us clear their own driveway or sidewalk. People were probably feeling lazy and this was a chance for them to have a day off so I can understand that and we didn’t expect their help or thanks. However, to my surprise over 5 people driving by went out of their way to give us dirty looks and yell obsenities at us throughout the day as compared to one who said a quick thank you.

It reminded me of my friend who’s in the army telling me people try to start fights with him when he wears his uniform out. I couldn’t believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. What the heck are these angry ignorant morons thinking? My friend didn’t start a war any more than I made the snow or the trees fall.



The human race is a very ignorant one sadly.


I have monday and tuesday. If you want to bring the xBox to hook it to the projector I’d be down. Not much room here so I could only do 3 or 4 people. Anyone else interested?

still nothing… looks like i’ll be staying at my uncles longer than i thought lol

i just some power back , the people across the street had it all along they are on a different grid and didnt even offer to help any of us out. Ive got enough to power a few things at a time but i can run everything yet. All i know is i need time warner to come out, and ive got an assload of tree hackin to do. Friday was the best however, no power tons of snow the people down stairs an my wife an I just drank all morning from 7am on til noon played football an hiked up the street a few times to survey the carnage. We helped a few guys out pullin down tree branches an all but its by far the best snow day I ever had.

Good call :tup:

Hiiiii. I decided to come to UB to get some work done. Although I probably should have stayed home because I can’t imagine that we will have classes tomorrow.

no power still and the basement was flooded. I went to my place yesterday and my fish were dead from being too cold… picked up my cat who threw up and pissed in my car on the way back here. yesssssss.

going down main street was amazing… 5 minutes one way was fine. 5 minutes the other day was absolutely F-ed.

Jan gimme a call. :slight_smile: Wherever you are! I’m glad you’re okay.

Interesting that down here in hamburg the damage was minimal compared to up north but we had two utility company trucks (not national grid or nyseg) on the street saturday morning cleaning up branches around the lines. Majority of people had power 24 hours earlier.
UB remains closed, They will make an announcement at 7PM tonight

I got my power back today.


24’ of snow and we wont get power till thursday there saying :frowning: cable is also all cut in half so no TV or Internet even if i got power back.

Check my pics im gonna post up l8tr in the “Blizzard of October 2006 Pics of Carnage” Thread

got your power back?

I’m staying with future mother in law in WS

No power in South Buffalo behind Mercy, it’s a little frustrating, the hospital, Trocaire, and the catholic school behind me have power. The hospital never lost power (believe me, we KNOW when their generator kicks on, they test it once a month at 6am) The school’s floodlights light up my dark backyard. 2 streets over has power, not sure the other way (other side of Red Jacket).

The power company came by yesterday and attempted to reset the main fuse for our neighborhod but that didn’t work, apparently they found the problem but have to have a line crew come in and fix the line before restoring power, no idea when that will be but at least there is progress. The crew was from Oswego! Kudos to them for coming out to help.

I’m at my sisters now, they have power.

Here are a few pics of my yard and the damage…

Looks worse than it is, only a broken windshield

looking toward Trocaire and Mercy (I fixed the flag)

Both the Saturn and the Lotus project are safe, both worth more than the van

My wife, our street

Thank god the beer is safe!

Xander, my street looks alot like yours

the town is saying i wont have power til friday possibly. Its a warzone.

i snapped a few pics ill have to post up when i get my power back. it took nearly a day to even leave my street due to several full tree’s roadbloacking us in.

Generators FTW

Thur night-dads Gf lost control pulling into the driveway

Like 6:45am i just found out i dont have to work and that there is a driving band. That means i get to take the sled on any public road i want :slight_smile:

A Shot from inside my garage

Back yard/Pond

Dads Gf’s Aveo

25 yards down my road

NYS Water Authority Truck STUCK!

Looking down my road…Wahooo the firt time i took the sled out this year!

Broadway Going into Alden

My Friend kenny’s driveway

LetItRip’s Camaro

Aldens Premier Street Racing Rd. :snky:

87Fox’s Place

4-Wheelers Tearing it down the rd

I hate you…just had to have my sled in Arcade…