well all i can say is, holy shit! my power went out at about 5:00 pm on thursday, and its still not abck on. its <40* in my house, and its very cold. my truck is stuck in my driveway, and its not goin anywhere for a while. we have A LOT of trees down on our street, and the whole block has been helping out to clean up. I went to Lowes yesterday morning and bought one of the last chainsaws they had, and it seesm like ive been running it non stop ever since trying to clean up. i got a break tonight cuz my aunt and uncle invited us over (they live in hamburg) and we got to go in thier hot tub, take a showe, and get a warm meal. i cant wait to get my power back on!! thats is for now.

how about anyone in the amherst area my parents still have power which is a street over and my apartment doesnt because i can see the wire on the ground. i dont know when im getting power back!

omggg i finally got power back yessss

uhgg. lancaster :tdown: still no power. i’m at my cousin’s in akron. good lord my aunt came home from cali this past week. what a vacation, but everytime she comes home after fall there’s some sort of blizzard. she’s not allowed back after august anymore.

Just got power back today at around 6pm in Elma

i finally got power back… after 2 days

I am in rochester due to the power being out at our house. I am not sure if it is back,does any one know if the power is on in cheektowaga?

still no power in cheektowaga for the most part. my grandfather lives in shady acres on union, and HAS power, but my aunt lives off french around the block from MaximaSe98 and has NO power.

Call your house and see if your answering machine picks up, if not, then no power, if yes then juice is on. Simple.

we got a little sprinkling here in Toronto as well. Woke up, the weather was nice, so I took the SRT to work with near bald tires. All of a sudden, someone in our risk management department yells “its snowing!”… me = “oh shit! bald tires + 380 WTQ + FWD + snow”

Good thing it wasnt as bad I heard it was in the Buffalo/Niagara area.

that would work if my home phone wasn’t vonage, and i didn’t disconnect the vonage box due to the power surge during the initial brownout taking out a lan card amongst other things on my roomates computer. I got nervous enough to unplug that and my big switch! he said the router survived, but we will see.

nme and kingsario were bouncing the door at pepboys for generators we even called some guy a scumbag, to bad russ did it all volunteer

im in cheektowaga and i never lost power

I just talked to my parents, they were out of town for a couple days, and came home to no power, all the trees down, and 6 inches of water in the basement. And poor kitty couldn’t go downstairs to get to his food :frowning:

they are in williamsville (maple/hopkins)

I know people took lots of pics… post em up… i dont have internet at home yet… but heres what i have for the collection on 56k

I had a fun drive home from work on Saturday morning. No snow forecasted, so i don’t bother borrowing a car with all-season tires,(the talon still isnt registered yet) and around 10am it starts DUMPING out in Souther Erie. by Noon when I got out, there was a few inches of that wet sludge all over the roads.

It was an interesting drive through he hills of Sardinia, Holland and Colden in the MR2.

It’s all gone now though, except a little mound here and there.

My snow tires are sitting in the corner of my garage mocking me. I barely made it to home depot and back thursday night, but I did thank god and my basement is dry with a DC sump pump running off of a boat battery.

So this weekend I’m waiting it out in luxury at my future step father in law’s big beautiful house on the water on GI. It won’t break my heart if I have to stay here for a week. :tup:

Is all the snow melted up in the Northtowns? And how bad is the flooding?

According to Nat’l Grid, it will take until midnight next Sunday to restore power to the last of the last.


hahaha yes i got my precious vbakdckf yey eyey98e8eya0rahs udao