one thread people

power back today. No UB means i dont have my 2 midterms tomorrow, so I guess I will make a trip downtown to pick my car up finally

word… my work too… but then again… everyone rushes my work for batteries flashlights ect ect… all in all we got like 20 people in day… set the record for most apprehensions in a day and in a year for a whole district putting us up 179% on last year and up 83% on this year… not that any one knows what im talking about so nvm… but needless to say yeah we are open …

I’ll be going, power never went out at my work. I didn’t/couldn’t go on Friday so I consider myself lucky since I never lost power or internet at my place.

someone has to be there to answer the phones for everyone filing their insurance claims…ooooof tomorrow is going to be crazy busy over at b&b insurance. no class though…tee up canisius.

Woo. Just made it back online now after 2 days. Still no power at my house. Got the generator up and running though for all the super important stuff (fridges, sump pump, heater, Sony SXRD 60 inch High Definition TV, XBOX360) :tup:

Oh and Nice pics Bri, I had to park my prizm on Erie and walk about a mile on saturday morning with my 2 backpacks full of books, my laptop, and other misc shit. Good workout :smiley:

Also, can someone explain to me how I make it from downtown buffalo to about 1 miles from my house (about 20 mile drive) with my chevy prizm with almost bald all season tires while I see the lady in her brand new jeep grand cherokee sitting in the middle of broadway stuck and staring at me as i drive by with a “oops, what did i do” look. :bloated:

Classes and work tomorrow FTL

So, i just got my power back tonight. the night of the huge snowfall i got stuck leaving my g/fs house. I got 5 feet out of the drive way and my summer perf. tires didn’t want to get me through the snow. Before and after pics…hehe.

The next morning… I spent over an hour digging her out. Bout time for snows and steelies!

Wow. Im so glad you posted those. Because you are the only person who’s car was under snow. When I did not look out my window on friday, that is not what I saw…


oh god, i just got my power back about an hour ago. i didnt even look in the off topic section yet…sorry about this…

no. I was making the point that thats something we all saw. Its kind of like posting a pic of your arm. And saying OMG I have an arm!!! When we all have an arm.

We all had a car buried under snow on Friday.

I was thinking the same thing as I passed a stuck Jimmy stuck in the middle of Walden at 2am. And I rolled on by in the All-wheel bald turbo hotness blowing through the drifts. Also made me realize how much turbo lag blows.

Speaking of which it’s amazing how odd it is driving through what where normally be a brightly lit area when it’s pitch black.

What’s a shovel and why does my tin-can need it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m so doing that later this week. :tup:

i beg to differ…i live in boston…but i was in west seneca…we had NO snow in boston…

edit: i lolled when iread that part about the arm

yeah tell me about it… driving thru kenmore to get home… in complete darkness… = yeah weird… never thought id drive down deleware with my brights on.

Fucking criminals paradise on Friday night. The Clarence sheriffs dispatch was down, 4 cars were in ditches, and the rest were told to go home. So there were no cops in clarence to speak of…

lol…Good thing there isn’t any trees around your car to fall on it…mine was sitting in my driveway right underneath one and I was scared shitless all night that it was gonna come down on top of it.

i got a few nice shots too…but no internet at home so it will be a few days

There was no snow at my house by Saturday afternoon.

^^definatly, my new house got broken into on s. ogden friday night. They stole 2 ac units, a mini fridge, stereo, $400 nail gun, jig saw, and a couple of other little things.