@ work now

I have to go and open up Circuit City in Cheektowaga. Apparently we get to sell electronics using just flashlights.

g/f in depew still has no power and my parents in w.s. are not supposed to get it back until wednesday at the earliest. My parents went to the athens restaurant on seneca st. saturday and they said it felt like a city mission, only 6 items to choose from, people just standing around with plates in their hands eating because there was no more room to sit. But i guess when all the food in your house spoils ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Working here. was at work on Friday too. :frowning:

same here…looking at the beautiful calm lake

Working…but only about half the company is here.

working…it sucks playing catch up

ive still have yet to have work since thursday…tomorrow(tuesday) im sure it starts up again

I try to be at work at 8am but for some reason it never works

at work now

NCCC, a commuter school, has school today.

Brilliant. :roll:

this is sweet, no power and no heat on geneartors … sssiicckk

I still have no power, went out friday afternoon

blah saigon cafe was open friday, saturday, and sunday

busy as hell since people don’t cook at their homes

work… on… monday… blows… as usual. lol

only about 1/2 of my department is in.

at least we have power here!

Work like usual!

working as well, but I found out that we are actually getting paid for a missed shift which is kind of nice

still no power in pendleton, and i am really starting to get pissed!

what are your employers doing about last friday? found out this morning that we have to take PTO :frowning: