WalMart in Springville had its biggest day ever over the weekend.
People had to come to the sunny south to get supplies.:slight_smile:

word around the camp fire was that they were reinbursing people for generators, and then i heard an anouncement that they werent.

their website/rss feeds dont have any worth while info. does anyone here know for sure, and what needs to be done to get the reinbursment?
maybe we can get dan his money back for his generator :wink:


this was just posted in another thread. what a bunch of shit. dont prevent the damage from happening, just pay to clean it up afterwards. :bloated:

i heard the same about reimbursement but not quite sure of the details, i heard that we need to be in a state of emergency which we were, and it had to be purchased during that state and receipt must show that.

Im not sure they are doing it for generators…but for services such as tree removal I know they will be

Where are the CNN cameras so i can yell, Where my FEMA card at?

P.S. Byron Brown does not like white people


this is why transit was closed between walden and broadway

yeah where is my free pre-pay debit card???

I heard he wants to make Buffalo a chocolate city

um, I can’t link directly to your computer’s hard drive. i’m not a l33t hax0r.

yea we are getting paid without having to take vacation or sick day

Lathering yourself in KY Self Warming Jelly WILL NOT keep you warm as you try to fall asleep. After 20mins, it gets cold again.

What are your “survival techniques” through this power outage? Please list your creative stratagies, failed or otherwise are accepted.

It’s next to your house that is torn down…oh wait

I can’t wait until some idiots start comparing this to Katrina

Goto Rubicants house where power and internet flowed like wine through rome this weekend

after my flagelance following the Sabres game, i don’t think i’m welcome there anymore. :frowning:

I was certainly blessed this weekend with power and internet and heat and cold beverages and cold food and Xbox 360 and 46" TV and Sabres games and Fight Night Round 3. Having all my guests made these hard times more bearable.

Josh’s farts were NOTHING compared to Pitlord’s bomb last night. HOLY SHIT!!

Its really bad when we as a country think that uncle sam should pay for our preparedness. Tree removal, generators and so on are the price of living. The taxpayers shouldn’t pay for this crap. They do what is needed to get the power back on, and in the mean time burn candles and put on a jacket. But thats how i see it, flame away.

any body see this on the 90 in between walden and william

warm clothes…scooby doo slippers and a fully charged laptop with a DVD player…when the laptop runs low…goto parents house to charge it on their generator

:lol: Fight Night > *.party games

New Orleans is already a choclate city. I think we should be butterscotch.