Just got intarweb and phones back at work. Yay. :uhh: TOT near mighty was still in the dark ages as of this morning. It’s a fucking rats nest in there. All the fucking power lines run between people’s backyards so they’re going to have to clear shit out just to get to the downed lines. I’m guessing we’ll be the last of the last to get back online. Oh well, I’ll just keep stopping by the house every day to recharge my sump pump battery with my car and just wait it out with the in-laws. On the plus side the Jetta’s getting a new windshield Wednesday! :tup: :bloated:

It was like college but upscape, well sorta-upscale. I had a blast too!!

Anybody else from Rochester? Remember going through this exact same fucking shit 15 years ago in the ice storm of '91?

Now when I’m an old man I can ramble incoherently about the ice storm of '91 and the snow storm of ought-six. :tup:

Did you wrap yourself in saran wrap after the application of the KY Jelly? By the sounds of it, you did not.

Next time cover yourself in either petroluem based or vegetable based oils (Vasoline, cooking oil, ect items approved for skin contact avoid motor oil). Then wrap the your skin in saran wrap, two passes are more than adaquate. And then an outer layer of normal clothing should be sufficeint for sub zero temperatures.

for material management and being by myself, i used aluminum foil. that may have been my downfall.

also… IDIOTS!

If a traffic signal is out… it’s now an all-way stop sign! common sense folks. Saw 2 accidents driving down Main St. at lunch time.

Whole Milk? Thats like drinking puss.

Skim is the way I roll.


After approximately 90 hours without.

And lots of pictures of the carnage to come…

edit: Ironically 45 minutes after I spent 800 bucks on a generator :lol:

skim milk or 1% here.

gross though… :frowning: sorry about that

2% here

Skim milk rules, everything else tastes like I am drinking fat.

the no street light thing is tough. i go right through them if they are at an intersection where i can see there is no other yeilding traffic. but even if i stopped at every single one, i would be cursing the people who dont understand the concept of right of way at a 4 way stop. first person to the the light makes the turn. so if you are second in line, watch the person in front of you go, make note that all the other lanes have gone after that, then it is your turn. seems like people are just winging it based on who has the biggest balls or the biggest vehicle.

I am willing to bet that I can bail water better than any of you.

36 hours straight, with 20 minute breaks for sleep every 4 or 5 hours.

The most beautiful thing I’ve seen this entire year was my neighbor pulling into his driveway with a generator 2 days ago.

i’ll have to introduce you to a vagina soon.

36 hrs straight… of bailing water… do you live in a valley or something? lol

edit: that amount of labor isnt even worth it. get anything worthwhile off the ground, then just wait til’ the power comes back… …

If I could have moved the pool table, I would have let the bitch flood.

lol, nope, not even a close second.

I’m gonna buy an evo with all my generator sales

I remember the storm of 91, not very well. but i do remember it.

my Fiance was telling me about it…shes from Roch…her grandparents were like the only ones on the block to have power so they held up there

Nothing surprises me anymore… It reminds me of waterfest two years ago. People trying to cross the road when the water was up to the door… :wave:

I still don’t have power at my house… It’s getting old quick, but I’m expecting it to be back on by the weekend. So If it comes on before then It will make it seem better…LOL*