
The battery from the Miata is running my security system. The backup battery in the system only lasted a day. This ought to last a week, and if it doesn’t, the portable air compressor battery ought to buy me enough time to get it recharged… :rofl:

Hopefully the apt will be a little warmer tonight as 53° kind of sucks. I’ve got enough blankets, stuff to drink, and food that doesn’t require cooking. I have hot water so if I really want to warm up I’ll just fill the damn bathtub and lay in it until I start to shrivel.

Suck it up man, I didn’t miss work Friday, or Saturday, and I’m here today. That’s with a Tonawanda to Elma commute. Ban schman. Snow tires > snow.

I heard that fema would only reimburse for generators if you required one for a health emergency.

This means people on oxygen and stuff, not 20 something males for the most part.

will fema reimburse me if i needed one to run my xbox 360 and bigscreen? That is a life threatening emergency after all :ohnoes:

hey you guys have two heaters…and all the internal servers are up…

I was in buffalo thursday night. Yeah, ok, it was bad (it still looked like shit Saturday evening) but omfg you pussies, its FUCKING SNOW IN UPSTATE NEWYORK, why don’t you cut down every tree in the god damned state and pave your fucking lawn so this doesn’t happen again. WTF, thinking the US Gov. should pay for your lack of preparedness, that’s fucking PATHETIC. I bet you all would vote for Hillary too, huh?

Go move to Canada you tree-huggling liberal twats. (FWIW this is more of a general rant, not directed at anyone in particular) :violin:

You wanna see despair, desperation and REAL damage? Watch HBO’s “When the Levees Broke” - granted it’s an anit-white pro-black Spike Lee spectacle, but it does make some good points (even if it conveniently leaves out how much gov. cunt-face was really to blame by not cooperating w/ the federal gov and allowing the national guard earlier)

…don’t get me wrong I’d love a free (anything) - I just am smart enough to realize it comes right out of my tax money, and even if i don’t pay more taxes, well, it just means schools / roads / police / fire suffers instead :tdown:


its by income… low income = reimbursed
high income = no money



got my power back at 5pm, south buffalo

I heard from someone today that a local fire chief’s house caught on fire in the Amherst area.

Cause of fire… He had a kerosene heater IN his house.

If this is true, you think he would know that is a no no.

desperate times, desperate measures.

teddy says ‘i wouldn’t drink that’


youre full of useful posts…

HOLY COW, people are dead because they used a generator INSIDE their house.
I am speechless.

wow sorry for you guys. im so glad i graduated and got the hell out of buff.

Should I take mine out of my bedroom then?

if anyone doesnt have power and wants generators will have some we rented a u haul today (26 footer 5 spd no clutch that was so much fun! NOT!

Make the smallest room in the house habitable/heat conservation