i never lost power, but my cable and internet was down from noon friday until 7pm tonight. nothing two 30 packs cant fix…

Pot meet Kettle. :tup:

I went one step further and put snow in coolers, then put food in that! I are SmArt!

Oh yeah, the entire neighborhood losing power = my fault :slight_smile: Well, sorta, it was my tree that took out the line that powers the entire hood. 800 people, LOL!

Oh how envious I am lol.

skim milk = off white water. 2% or whole milk ftw. Or if I am feeling really good…half and half.

Hour 1:
Ran extension cord from the neighbors generator, connected sump.

Hour 2:
Popped open the junction box on the furnace, hard wired a 3 prong plug onto it, disconnecting it from the breaker, got heat working.

Hour 3: Showed the wife how to light the gas stove with a grill lighter. Got warm food.

Friday Morning:
Moved food to coolers and rubbermaid containers filled with snow.
Got out the tow strap and opened my road. Towed about 4 trees out of the street.

Friday afternoon:
Jerry rig the 1/6HP pump I used to close my pool to my neighbors parents sump, with a float switch and an inverter, so they can drain their sump using their Toyota.
Drive around, find gas for the generator.

More tomorrow.

Got generator and plugged in the sump and the TV. Good to go.

4 days off in a row was actually not as fun as I thought it would be.

Holy fucking Macgyver!

I used my battery jump box to power my electric razor to shave. Working Saturday and Sunday out of town kept me busy and warm. That and drinking, lots of drinking. Our small generator powered the fridge a few times a day so the the food didn’t spoil, and I fueled my TV addiction by watching Family Guy saved on my sister’s laptop. Taking a shower was interesting- it was so cold in the house that the bathroom steamed up in 5 minutes so bad I could barely see anything.

Carb Countdown.No fat,more protein,no sugar.

Went to help out at my grandfathers on zoerb across from cheektowaga central hs. Holy shit he must have the record of most branches down in the area. If your bored or in that area, check it out. it’s the house surrounded by a fortress of branches.

I did alot of thinking.I didnt bitch about not having the internet or power because our ancestors survived without it and so can I.

What did they do to occupy time? What would everyone do if a real natural disaster occured?

I heard alot of stories at work today about morons plugging elecronics directly into generators and learning the hard way that its a bad idea.

OH NO!!! My food might spoil!! I checked it all and the majority was expired anyway :lol:

ya i had to save my car thursday night around 10, i heard trees start falling and i dug my car out of my back yard , while digging a 8 foot branch fell on it but no damage since snow was everywhere…

took me 4 hours to clean all the mud of the car

everyone who has generator i heard a rumor that people are goin around at night stealing them so just be careful

:word: people are chaining them to poles :lol:

so, anyone else wear a t-shirt today? cuz I know I did

gotta love buffalo

finally got my power back. couldnt take any pics of the uprooted trees laying across the street…camera battery was dead. but no trees above the garage so the ride was just fine other than the 3 inches of standing water it sat in. :tup:

sorround your genny with bear traps.