Bump. 9 years ago today.

Wow, has it really been that long. Still remember where I was when it started snowing and thinking, “wow, that’s different”. Then a couple hours later thinking “oh shit, this sucks”.

I remember getting home and calling my wife to tell her not to take Ranch Trail home because it has so many overhanging trees, and that one had fallen across the street about 2 seconds after I passed. I heard the crash and looked in my rear view mirror to see it across my tracks.

My neighbor and I were standing in his driveway when the power went out around 6:30pm and he asks me if I think we should drag his generator out of the shed or if the power will probably be back on soon. My response was we’d be lucky if the power was back on in a week because each “boom” we heard was another transformer blowing up.

yeah crazy storm. As my ex gf and I were walking out of my parents house a huge tree branch cracked off and was a foot away from taking her out.

I had beck’s old red jetta slammed with studded winterforces on and that thing never got stuck once.

The foundation for my house was poured that day. We got about 1.2354856638576" of snow. I remember it was Friday the 13th when I woke up and the news was going nuts about what happened the night before.

In April the following spring/year I was on Main St. in Williamsville in a meeting watching truck after truck go by with loads of tree pieces.

I was living in Holley/working in Brockport at what used to be the Ford dealership there at the time. I woke up to a very cold apartment, but managed to get a hot shower and go in to work to see what was up. Walked in to a dark shop. Smoked cigarettes and drank coffee with a couple of the techs and tried to decide where the fuck to go till the power came back on. I ended up going to a friend’s house on Ridgeway Ave in Greece for a couple of days. They only had a couple of inches and couldn’t believe what I was telling them about how bad it was…

What a difference 12 hours made…

Even talking about it today people who weren’t in the snowband don’t really get it. “It was only 18-24” of snow, everyone in WNY has seen snow like that". Yeah, but not in mid Oct when most of the trees still have their leaves. That’s what made the difference between normal snow storm and OMG IT SOUNDS LIKE THE WORLD IS ENDING. Hanging out with my neighbors under 1000 watts of generator powered flood lights drinking beers while listening to transformers exploding and lighting the sky with a greenish lightning flash was pretty nuts.

I remember waking up, showering and heading out to leave for work. Had a voicemail from my boss telling me there was a state of emergency and the office was closed. WTF I thought. I had NOTHING in Eden. Turned on the news, said “Boy, that sucks for them”, and then went for a bike ride. It was about 45-50 degrees and sunny at my house. The one thing I remember was for some reason I drove my old 4000 with great tires on it in to the office that day over the A4 with 18" Advans. So glad I did that as when I left work at 4:30 the roads were covered.

I’ll be read for it this year, I went out this weekend and stocked up on every Rambone Pandora’s Boxxx had for sale.

I remember living at the ritz, being freezing and starting a fire in the fireplace there and drinking lots. then waking up super happy that the place didn’t burn down | we didn’t die of asphyxiation

then that next afternoon my mom called me to say that the freezer was full of steak and seafood that we had to eat before it went bad

so I went over there with jay wonch and his gf (now wife) and we drank gin and ate like kings with my parents

then jay’s gf realized that she was allergic to shellfish when she broke out in hives :fu:

Was at the Riviera Theater seeing the Musical Box with my future wife. Snowing a little bit when we went in and was a nightmare when we left. It was our first year dating anniversary. I remember driving down Kensington Avenue and it seriously looked like we were driving through the backwoods somewhere.

We had reservations for Sinatra’s that next night I believe but had to settle for McDonalds instead.

wow, 9 years ago … fuck i’m getting old

that storm was nuts

Yeah, you are getting old. I remember when I was in my 30s and everyone thought I was old. ha!

:frowning: just turned 30

I’m not 30 for another couple years :stuck_out_tongue:

Calling for possible wet snow this weekend, but the meteorologists are confident it won’t be a repeat of the Oct storm.

The same meteorologists that even as the snow was piling up 10/12/09 were still saying it wouldn’t be bad, just mostly rain and maybe 1-6" of snow. :tup:

oh man I remember this mess. I lived in puerto rico across from the armory on niagara st.

There was a server closet at D’Youville that had a generator for the power but not the HVAC. Had to prop the door open with a box fan for 5 days.

Yeah, they built the new pharmacy building the exact same way. Love when those mail servers shut themselves off.

Think of it as job security lol

I don’t work there anymore, but yeah. You would REALLLLY have to fuck up to get fired from there.