
Any of you guys on

The majority seems to be guys from the buffalo area but I havent recognized any of the vehicles from here on that site. It looks like they go to Tift quite a bit. Thats if Tift is what they call “Playground” Im not sure, I asked over there but havent heard anything yet, It looks pretty familiar to pics Ive seen posted here.

i am on the site. it was created by members of the former jeep group nickel city jeepers that i was a member of. tift st is the ‘‘playground’’ and they used to call it that because they didnt want to give out the location to people that didnt already know and blow up the spot. needless to say traffic over there has picked up a lot and its not as fun to go to anymore.

I deleted my question over there, thanks for the confirm.
You have the same SN there?

im over there as well

looks good, i signed up as well. The white Jeep is crazy

yeah im the same SN

i am over there as well sn myrusteds10

I thought I recognized that thing… are you wnytrucks as well?

yes i am.