Offical "Post Pics of your Puppy" Thread

This is Baxter. He is my 10 month little girls puppy. Currently he is 4 lbs with a full grown weight of 12.

Posted from tapatalk

She’s gorgeous! I want to smoosh her face!

---------- Post added at 12:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 PM ----------

Nadia and our foster dog, Kia (blue collar). Nadia’s a hound/pit mix, and Kia is a pit bull, maybe with a little bull terrier mixed in there. We’ve been fostering Kia for a year now, after she was surrendered by owners who could not afford medical treatment for parvovirus.

Its been some time but we finally got a new pup. Her name is Tahoe and we got her from a rescue shelter down here in Houston. She was very very small when we got her, I’m guessing 2 months old or less. We’ve had her for about two months now and she is healthy and doing great! She hasn’t lost any of her teeth yet so I’m guessing she is close to 4 months old now but not really sure. The pound said the guy that dropped off the four puppies said they were a lab mix.

She started off at about 3-4 lbs and is now up to about 15lbs! She has small paws so I’m not sure how big she’ll get. What do you guys think she is / how big she’ll get? I’m guessing she might be a lab / spaniel mix. I’d be happy if she got to be at least 30-40 lbs.

Sorry for the cell phone pictures.

Helping in the garage.


Playing with our friends dog

Loves her crate

Getting bigger!

She’s ADORABLE!! I’d say 30-40lbs is a good guess. And omg awkward ear stage is the best!

hah, cute pup…no idea on the size, but yea the paws are small, so I’d say 50lbs at most. Glad to see that y’all decided on getting another dog. :tup:

Yah I’m so happy we stopped at the shelter when we did. She was only there for a day, but had some flees/worms and a slight infection. Got all that cleared up and she is running around like a brown lighting bolt. LoL

She is learning pretty good too. Pretty much house trained for the past month or so with the occasional accident here and there. One funny thing is she won’t go out and go to the bathroom alone! It is kind of a pain, I need to go outside with her or she sits at the door outside lol. She can sit, lay down, speak, give paw, and go to her crate. We are working on playing dead, rolling over, dropping what she has in her mouth and walking/running along side you. So far so good!

My dog is 4 years old and I’m lucky if he actually remembers which side of the door opens. You’ve got a Manhattan Project caliber puppy there

Lab mix
3 months

2 years

Dog 1 - “english lab” - adopted him about a year ago.

Dog 2 - Lab Mix - Adopted him about 2 months ago.

They are awesome.

LZ. I want to play with your dogs.

killer pitbulls :lol:

And two of them are gingers eeek

Damn ginger owning gingers…I think that’s against at least 3 laws.

Oh noes, ginger pit bull rage! Prepare for intense cuddles!

Such gorgeous pups!

---------- Post added at 09:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 AM ----------

Nadia’s first day, 8 weeks old, July 2010.

Nadia on our way to Allegheny, PA for some camping a couple weekends ago

Our foster dog, Kia, being a really good sport for Halloween

Kia and Aaron (theblue), at ‘Bigfoot’s Lair’ in Allegheny.

Some of Xena when she was 6 weeks old…

I believe was 1ish

Don’t remember how old, but this was at my old house

And I just realized I don’t have much other than crappy phone pics of her recently. This is on from a recent party we had with our friends daughter…

---------- Post added at 03:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 PM ----------

Love it!

lol, that first pic is great!