pommers chest

BTW Sekera and Weber FUCKING RULE!! Sit kalinin!

Sekera +4
Weber +5


And he earned EVERY stitch of it

Sabres are also the #1 goal scoring team in the NHL again

beat me to it :tup:

weber and sekera have been beasts. can we please just give them as much ice as they can gobble up???

I was at work and missed it :frowning:

the fact that we are the number 1 scoring team in the nhl and still be struggling for a playoff spot speaks wonders for our defense.:roll2:

so, as of july 1st. sign pominville. to a loooooong term deal. long term. please. he is the most underrated player in the league.

also. vanek actually had a trick tonight.

crunch time, rest of the schedule isnt that easy

leafs twice
sens twice
canadiens twice
bruins twice


100% agree, Paille for a long term too. I think he’s gonna have a break out year next year

greatest game ive ever been to

I think its obvious where that problem is…


the next two closest are peters and Ryan which is expected

ive said all season its our defense that is the problem. Weve been top 5 in scoring all season and now we are number one. Why do you think sekara and funk wre out there for most of the third period. Tallinder and lydman have struggled all season.

um how did vanek have a trick… every article ive read says he had 2 goals

man i think 27 games in a row is a bit much for miller. I hate to say it but he’s overplayed like woah.

kalinin blows, im actually happy with max lately. He single handedly almost gave us a second goal in the first period when he took the puck away form the goalie behind the net and gave it to vanek but one of their players slid to stop the shot with his leg. then a couple minutes later he got in on a big brawl. hes at least making people notice him in a positive way lately.

he is a goalie… it keeps him sharp… i doubt many goalies NEED a rest unless its back to back games early in the season… thibold is a liability almost a garunteed loss and at this point of the year… we cant afford it

Sorry maybe I didn’t watch the same game as you… but Sekera was a +5 whats this bullshit that he wasn’t playing the 3rd period. Weber and Sekera were fucking Rockin. Levcalier was a -1 after he was +3, meaning he was on the ice for 4 goals that the sabres scored… Also meaning Sekera was on the ice… Sekera and Weber shut the big line down.

Ok hockey basics The puck goes in the net thats a goal. if the goalie stops it thats a save.

Miller hasn’t been the king either. We have our win streak miller is on. Today miller wasn’t on our #1 offense picked it up and won it for us.

and Lydman is shifting into campbell’s spot he had a great chance in front of the net he looked like a forward lol. Tallinder is playing well too … Lydman and Tallinder are much stronger now, sure they struggled a little bit. But that slump ugh… was everyone’s fault

check the stats again. he tipped the roy goal :smiley:

i dont think lydman has played nearly as well defensively as i would have liked overall this season. he was wayyyyyy out of position on one of lecavalier’s goals. in my mind, he is a solid #3, but by no means a solid 1 or 2.

no i was saying that they were playing a lot. They were out there as in they were out on the ice playing lol

yeah because he looked real sharp…

if thibault sees icetime before the end of the regular season, it will be because we somehow clinched a birth with games left to play, or we are out of the playoff race alltogether. neither seem likely, so i doubt he will get any icetime at all. he should have had better than an 850 sv% when he played, then maybe ruff would have let him see more ice.