lydman and tallinder fucking blow.
peatch fuckin blows.

who else besides the noobs are back there?

Meh not our best. Tallinder and Lydman were matched up against the alfy spezza and heatly line.

Sekera and Weber just do better than the lines they are matched up against. They are rookies, they’ll get their shot at the great lines soon

i NEVER saw T and L as a solid line. they are a very very shaky line imo


the season is over.

yep, that was it…

In Ottawa tomorrow and then we come back to play Montreal…

Yup, it’s over.

lol great game, time for a new goalie

ottawa thursday

i absolutely love the way Buffalo is with sports. OMG WE LOST A GAME, HANG HIM!!! But when he makes a sweet save and gets us a big win, you swing from his nuts again. This is far from all Miller’s fault. As previously stated, our defense needs help. I also stated before Miller needs to not play so much. Contrary to what is believed, I’m sure after the 28 or 29 games in a row he’s becoming slightly fatigued. Don’t forget it’s not like Miller is a seasoned veteran either, he’s far from his peak days.

^ You don’t end up 22nd out of 44 in GAA and 26th out of 44 in SV% because of a few games with injured defense. He’s been an average goalie stats wise his entire career. He got away with it last year because the Sabres were scoring 5+ goals a game.

Yes, he’ll make some amazing saves, but almost every game he lets in at least one weak goal, and usually at a critical time.

The problem is if you decide not to give him the big money contract, who are you going to get? Are there any above average goalies that will be on the market next year?

I take back what I said about being at the last game - this was one of the most demoralizing games I’ve ever been to. BRB, gonna go talk to Gentleman Jack for a bit :tup:

You could actually feel the air come out of the building after that 5th goal - no kidding.

Did i say he was amazing? No. I just don’t believe he should be hung. If he was the sole reason for the sabres terrible season then yes, by all means, hang the fucker. But alas he is not. Thats the beauty of it being a team, everyone has to play to make it work.
He totally lets in a weak one every game too. :burnin:

Said it right along millers average at best.
Finally glad people are off his dick.

hes a rangers fan if i remember correctly

i dont want to hang him. but i have a equally intense desire to avoid overpaying him. miller is NOT worth top 5 goalie money, and that is exactly what he will be asking for. somewhere in the neighborhood of 7 mill per season. i say he is worth 4 - 5 million per year MAXIMUM. the ONLY compelling statistic he has on his side is wins; however, when you play 77 games, i would expect you to win half… especially when your team is top 5 in scoring.

no no no rangers fan here
I’m a Philly Fan (well a biron + briere fan I go where they go), But I like different teams.
I’ve been a nabacov fan for a fair ammount of years aswell.
It would be nice to see the sharks win it all.
Belfour was my 2nd favorite goalie (to roy i was a huge colorado fan thru the 90’s)
But he’s getting pretty old to still net mind.

Yep. Sounds like it.

I’m 75% committed to giving up on this season. I hate being a Buffalo sports fan.

still a chance… boston winning tonight certainly didn’t help :frowning:

playoffs? you kiddin me? don’t talk about playoffs! i just hope they can win a game
