

well they lost today too, Washington is on their ass

The caps have been working hard, if they do make it they earned it.

horrible night… wish i had sold my tickets. i have been saying that a lot lately…

better sell whats left of the season

well its over now so u dont have to worry about it anymore

i hope so, i hate them…plus they suck

Terrible loss. Weber and sekera cant be our only defense men that actually do their job out there anymore. Miller needs to also learn how to stay in net oh well hopefully we really rebuild with another solid forward for our 3rd or 4th line and get some solid d men out there.

Great loss.

It’s shitty but with 3 minutes left on the clock, I was saying “watch them blow it now”…

Sure enough, the tying goal goes in with 10 seconds to go.

I can tell when they are going to lose, the team plays the exact opposite of how they played the rest of the night, they go into a prevent defense, and just try to do shoot ins to kill time.

:clap: miller

WTF MILLER, are you kidding me? really?

1-0 boston 3m in

lol… SH goal on a 4 min PP…

yup thats about right


Notice that no one even tries the pass on a 2 on 1 against Miller anymore. Why risk the pass getting blocked when 90+% of the time a simple wrist shot is enough to beat him.

so true

sweet I picked the right time to jump ship

You know what, fuck you Lindy. The Vanek, Roy, Afinogenov line starts producing the last few games and what do you do? Put Max down on the line with Mair and useless int he last 20 or so games Kotalik. Asshole.


Unfortunately, it was in OT, which makes it very unlikely we’ll overtake Boston since we gave them a point.

And :tup: to the Vanek, Roy, Stafford line doing jack shit all game. Thanks Lindy. Asshole.

sekera and weber FTW!