Tear is an understatement… 18-0-2 (since I checked last), is just retarded

On a side note, anyone see Alfredsson get destroyed last night?? Somebody actually hit him for once.

holy shit… i hope youre not serious… if youre complaining now about your season and how youve played… how bad do you think it will be if you continue to trade away all your players… and have 5 yrs of rebuilding etc

I’d hang on to Max and Connelly. Connelly’s head stayed on all season this year and he was the only thing made our PP work. He missed games because of a bone spur but that’s something that can be fixed in the off season and shouldn’t plague him down the road.

Max had a rough year but the way he was bounced from line to line that’s not a surprise. Putting one of your best skaters on the checking line = :bloated:. He still draws a ton of penalties because he’s so hard to cover and if Buffalo could ever learn to score on the PP that’s a huge plus.

Kalinin, yeah, I’ve waited long enough for him to turn into that offensive forward he’s supposed to be. He did play MUCH better when paired with Pratt though.

I’m on the fence about Webber. He’s played well but last night really showed you he has a speed issue. Yes, Montreal is fast but people were beating him down the ice when he had a 15-20 foot head start.

Peters, see ya. Welcome to Buffalo Patrick Kaleta. Mair and Goose can fight if need be but fighting really doesn’t mean much in the NHL anymore, especially the jersey wrinkling, akward dance style of fighting Peter’s does. If you want to send a message send Kaleta out to take a run at someone instead of sending Peters out to dance with them.

I just don’t think these guys are behind Lindy anymore. I still believe there was some friction between Lindy and Drury at the end of the year last year that was never made public and the team moral wise seems to have never recovered. “The hardest working team in hockey” hasn’t been for over a year.

No, actually I am serious. Show me where I complained in this thread. Because I didn’t. I came to terms months ago, with the fact that even if we made the playoffs this year, we’d be a quick out.

I don’t want to see us get rid of Connolly or Max for nothing. But Connolly CANNOT play more than 60 games a season and Max’s constant givaways are ridiculous and he has 28 points this year and a -16 +/-. The bad almost outweigh the good.

If Connolly stays healthy he is a good player, I just don’t think he can. I’d rather see us trade him while he is healthy before he misses half the season again next year.

Kalinen just has to go.

Pratt only signed for a year, maybe he’ll resign. I just don’t think he will. Someone will offer him more money and he’ll be gone.

Let me add:

  1. T- Blow- no brainer right there

very well said I agree totally

Connolly, Max, Kotalik…send em all on their way

just for spite now i hope philly and boston lose out…

uh, i really hope this is sarcasm…

yea thats a pretty terrible comment.

Kotalik - 12 PPG - 2nd on the sabres, in the Tied for 18th in the NHL, and 12 more assists

Max… at -16 :frowning: I’m content with seeing him go.

Connolly, I don’t even consider him a player on the Sabres anymore

max had a rough year, but has had several great past years…and recently he started to turn it back on again…i think he deserves to be put on ONE line, and stick with it…and given time i think he’ll be back to his old self.

connolly, what a horrible series of events that have really torn apart his career…but when all is said and done, he’s still a great player when he does play…hopefully the hip is better by next season and he can play more regularly so we can see what he’s really capable of. i’d hate to have invested all this time into him, only to trade him when he’s finally ready to go, and watch him become a star on somebody’s else’s team…

Goal for connolly next year … finish 60 games with 50pts…

Goal for Connolly next year, finish 5 games, fuck 60

Bye!, you are a good player, but a fragile piece of glass.

great players are only great when they actually play. When his stock is high, sell. Connolly on the roster means factoring in at least 30 games being played by a rochester forward.

we should sign weber !

Yeah, dump Timmy. 40 points in 48 games, he sucks.

The fact that most of the games he missed were because of bone spur, something easily fixed that shouldn’t bother him the rest of his career… fuck all that. Trade the bitch.


Biron > Miller
I never liked that guy, He’s never had enough talent to start IMHO.

He’s hardly been an allstar for your team that’s on the outside looking in.

There are a number of goalies that were better than Miller this year but I’d put him and Biron awful close together.

It’s going to taste pretty sweet when Washington gets in and Boston bounces Philly because we phone in the last game of the year against Boston.

Maybe give Miller a sign saying, “Hey Briere and Marty, see ya on the golf course” for each time he lets in an easy goal. :wink:

Since 05 hes played around 100 games, yeah hes worth every penny.

Birons doing better then Miller.
I say a .917 is pretty good for someoen who has been on the bench wasting away for as long as he was.
I’m impressed with Philly by any means, even if they almost make the playoffs, they came a long way from last place.

What weed have you been smoking since lunch?

I have no issues with the core of the team, and the offensive side. The only improvements I’d like to see is some more physical players to get added to the roster. We’re still FAR too soft.

This season was more an issue of inconsistent play from the whole team. The talent was there, but the effort wasn’t.