Vanek is slow…lol That was so far offsides I was waiting for the whistle then i hear GOOOOOOOALALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

i need a video clip of vanek’s goal if anyone knows where one is

hahahah yea… def WAYYYY offsides.

oh well… worked out for us :slight_smile:


hahahah yea… def WAYYYY offsides.

oh well… worked out for us :slight_smile:


i watched it on my dvr it was a bit offsides, his skate lifted as vanek crossed the blue line, IMO its not really that bad since vanek was the only one who touched the puck.

so 1/8th of the way through the season, who would you rather have as your star:

Danny Bee?

Captain Clutch?

T Vaaaaaaaaaaanek?

go go gadget briere :shrug: just random musing with no hockey on tonight…

i do like how they also include their fantasy standings as well, and was rather surprised at how much lower drury was picked on average in fantasy drafts than vanek…go figure i guess…

i know this is a little late but that danny bee commersal where he puts the puck through the window is really annoing!

p.s. when we play the flyers i hope that danny boy gets his head shoved in the glass hard enough to think that he is a sabre again and scores for us. lol


i know this is a little late but that danny bee commersal where he puts the puck through the window is really annoing!

p.s. when we play the flyers i hope that danny boy gets his head shoved in the glass hard enough to think that he is a sabre again and scores for us. lol


Dont blame him for wanting to leave a team that insults you with a small offer months after they should have signed him.

$5 million is not what i call small there robby

suuuuure dude it was a slap in the face. Regier and quinn need to stop pretending that these players should be honored to play in buffalo.

rob let’s think about the what is your salary and let’s compare it to $5 million. so it is not like we where low balling him!


rob let’s think about the what is your salary and let’s compare it to $5 million. so it is not like we where low balling him!


When they are forced to give vanek as much as they did it proves that the front office has their heads up their asses dude. Briere was worth that money even though he is a diving sissy. If they held on to him or drury i think the sabres would have easily had 2 more wins by now.


When they are forced to give vanek as much as they did it proves that the front office has their heads up their asses dude. Briere was worth that money even though he is a diving sissy. If they held on to him or drury i think the sabres would have easily had 2 more wins by now.


again the reason that we kept vanek was because of the fact that we had lost our two best players on the team that is why thay gave him the contract. i personaly would have taken the picks.


again the reason that we kept vanek was because of the fact that we had lost our two best players on the team that is why thay gave him the contract. i personaly would have taken the picks.


Dude it should have not even gotten to that point drury and vanek should have been signed during the season but they waited and waited and made it look like they were hard asses by over paying for vanek and out bidding edmonton. That is piss poor managment plain and simple. And takin the picks would have been completely stupid unless you planned on totally rebuilding the team from the bottom up.

Drury WAS SIGNED during the season, that’s the worst part. They had a meeting, came to an agreement but then for some unknown reason management never sent over the paperwork. That slap in the face is why Drury left.

Briere said he would have stayed had they just made an OFFER to him. Instead they wait until 24 hours before free agency to even give him a call. Another slap in the face to a superstar, and another guy who decides it’s better to leave. Sure, maybe you make the offer and he counters way higher than you’re willing to pay and you move on. But you at least make the damn offer before he’s spent a week shopping himself around the league.

Vanek’s deal was done just to tell the league the Sabres are not the 7/11 of the NHL; open all hours just bring cash.

At least they seem to have learned from their mistakes this time, judging by the fact that they’re signing guys to long term deals during the season this year.


Drury WAS SIGNED during the season, that’s the worst part. They had a meeting, came to an agreement but then for some unknown reason management never sent over the paperwork. That slap in the face is why Drury left.

Briere said he would have stayed had they just made an OFFER to him. Instead they wait until 24 hours before free agency to even give him a call. Another slap in the face to a superstar, and another guy who decides it’s better to leave. Sure, maybe you make the offer and he counters way higher than you’re willing to pay and you move on. But you at least make the damn offer before he’s spent a week shopping himself around the league.

Vanek’s deal was done just to tell the league the Sabres are not the 7/11 of the NHL; open all hours just bring cash.

At least they seem to have learned from their mistakes this time, judging by the fact that they’re signing guys to long term deals during the season this year.


It was an epic fuck up and is unforgivable IMO. I have had no faith in this front office and they re-assured me that they can’t manage a team at all. I still stand by the fact that regier got lucky with the team he put together.


It was an epic fuck up and is unforgivable IMO. I have had no faith in this front office and they re-assured me that they can’t manage a team at all. I still stand by the fact that regier got lucky with the team he put together.


No, I think Regier and Quinn have are great at picking young or underrated talent. What they severely lack is the ability to retain that talent once it becomes recognized.

They did get lucky that while they were rebuilding for speed the league took a turn that rewarded fast teams.


No, I think Regier and Quinn have are great at picking young or underrated talent. What they severely lack is the ability to retain that talent once it becomes recognized.

They did get lucky that while they were rebuilding for speed the league took a turn that rewarded fast teams.


there was no luck to it, there had been musings and discussions over those changes for years prior to the lockout…regier can grow a team like noones business, just look at the LOADS of talent we still have in rochester, we’re not in trouble in that aspect

what they LACK is a leader, which is the only real reason we’ve already lost as many as we have…drury and briere were that role, now there is NO ONE to fill it atm…hecht is NOT a captain, campbell might be able to do it, tallinder certainly can not, vanek cannot, connolly cannot, roy cannot…we NEED numinnen back to be the leader of the team right now…b/c without a solid captain we’re fucked…

nice article about campbell


rob let’s think about the what is your salary and let’s compare it to $5 million. so it is not like we where low balling him!


Is this the first year you’ve been introduced to sports or something? It happens every year to just about every team, and it’s going to continue to happen a lot more with the salary cap in place.


what they LACK is a leader, which is the only real reason we’ve already lost as many as we have…drury and briere were that role, now there is NO ONE to fill it atm…hecht is NOT a captain, campbell might be able to do it, tallinder certainly can not, vanek cannot, connolly cannot, roy cannot…we NEED numinnen back to be the leader of the team right now…b/c without a solid captain we’re fucked…


Right on, except the part about Campbell. I don’t know why everyone thinks he can lead this team. But I’m not in the locker room after/during the games, so I know about as much as the rest of you :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly, I think if Paille stays with this team for another 3-4 years, we will have our new captain.