this stupid fucking team… ugh

they really make me sick

what a joke :bloated:

At what point is Miller going to stop giving up the weak goal post goal? Stay tight against the post dumbass.


this team is just ridiculous.

:bloated: to them hitting goalposts

:bloated: to vanek’s awful shootout attempt

:bloated: to blowing a 2 goal lead

:bloated: to pominville hitting ANOTHER post

:bloated: to miller getting undressed in the shootout. AGAIN.

:bloated: to giving up a goal in the last minute of the game.

Sabres prospect Enroth has sights set on NHL

was just talking about him the other day actually.

BYE BYE Campbell

Not gone yet but hes just another in the long list of players that are not going to deal with regier and quinn.

yep…just saw that too lol

Well maybe if we’re lucky, the Sabres will can Quinn and Regeir and then he won’t have to!! :fingerscrossed:

wtf is upper management thinking… what a bad move for our team

hahaha i cant help but laugh at all the shit that is going in the crapper with this team.

and everybody on the sabres forums needs to shut up about bringing Enroth up… he is way too young…and still needs to gain more experience. If they bring him up too soon…the outcome will be the same as it was with Noronen

HAHAHA, How is this team in the crapper. We’re on a 9 game slide, and we’re still 4 points out of the play offs. Sure the presidents cup isn’t going to happen. We just need to find that grove and Miller letting in 3 goals a game will be a non factor.

Shit look at Paille he is playing spectacular, 8 points in the past 9 games. He might be a 50pt player! Go figure its a fucking contract year for him :frowning: So he’s gonna want some money.

The Sabres are doing fine, I’m confident Lindy will find out what the problem is and adjust, or at least get the lines to form a little chemistry. Here’s to a 8 game win streak starting on Wednesday :slight_smile:

so lets see here. once campbell is gone, who will be the core of the team?

vanek, hecht, pominville, spacek, roy, miller.

far cry from drury, briere, campbell, vanek, spacek, miller.

heres the list of free agent departures over the last two years:
and soon to be campbell?

seriously? i know you can’t keep them all. but our team becomes a joke if we are just a breeding ground for good players that jump ship once management won’t pry open the pocketbook.

if you think the sabres arent in trouble, you are mistaken.

a 9 game losing streak is “in the crapper”

losing your top players to free agency consistently is “in the crapper”

10th-11th place in the conference is “in the crapper”

dont care how you cut it.

Hopefully Tommy realizes that his little cash cow that is the Sabres will turn into a money pit next year if he doesn’t open up the wallet and sign some quality players to replace Briere and Drury.

I can pretty much guarantee he won’t be seeing the massive season ticket sales he saw this year if he goes into next year with the same roster (or worse, the same roster minus Campbell). Not spending up to the cap in a salary cap league rarely leads to consistent success.

There’s more important things right now than just me," Campobell said. “I think it’s for the best.”

very true, we need a prospect or two, and tommys gonna have to pay. The penquins have crosby and malkin.We need something like that to spark some offense. Kalinin needs to leave asap. Lydman and tallinder need to step their shit up or leave as well. Vanek i dont even know what to say about him, he needs some serious conditioning. Max and connoly are our two veteran forwards and should be leading and dominating for this team and are not.

im not saying they are in the crapper now…

im talking about WHEN campbell is gone…and miller decides to go to detroit…

we just keep losing people cause quinn and regier are complete jackasses

miller isnt going to detroit…they just signed osgood 9sp?) to a 3 yr extension

Honestly, do you any of REALLY want to see the Sabres organization pay Campbell 5-6 million a-fucking-year? Because he DOES want that kind of money.

Let Ronald McDonald leave.

campbell officially just signed his way out of town by the trade deadline

that sucks…bring forth WEBER!