lol, its not like detroit had even been playing well, they caught them in their worst stretch of the season

Not really. The last 8 games of the year are all against division opponents, and the remaining 16 games are all against eastern conference teams. There are plenty of 4 point games left against people ahead of us to move up, but to do that they have to start playing better.

And hopefully Miller takes a break from making fucking ice cream to watch some game tape and realizes that you can only come out to take away the angle on breakaways. When you constantly do it while a team is pressuring you in the zone they will burn you all night long with one timers are rebounds. The majority of goals Miller is letting in he isn’t even standing on blue ice. That’s not a good sign.

west > east

again :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d been wondering about this… someone pointed it out to me a few weeks ago so I’ve noticed it more & more.

I don’t remember him playing out that much in previous seasons, or is it just me?

He used to only come out that much on a breakaway, and there it’s a good thing because basic geometry tells you it covers more of the net as long as you don’t let the player deek you.

I think he’s been burned by people going high on him so much he’s trying to cheat the angle more and more and doing it in situations that leave him way out of position for a pass or rebound.

I hope the Sabres don’t throw a ton of money at him and lock us to him for the next 5 years. Maybe this year is a fluke season, but maybe not.

while he did get caught out far, you have to come out far to cut down the angle, especially when your d isn’t playing the body as their offense breaks the zone. when you let them get a shot away, not only do they get the shot but they use the defenseman as a screen.

cuz labor day isnt til later this year

I have said it right along, he’s not that good.
I agree, money better spent elsewhere.

QFT your opinion dont matter ur a philly’s fan

who is better thats available?
lunquist (even though he played a bad period against philly) is signed
luongo may not even remain in the nhl
marty will never leave
the other marty will never get moved

who else?

True, But I fallowed Biron to Philly… Then the edition of several other good players, made the choice obvious.
Personally, i feel the sabres staff said exactly this.
“WE better trade all our talent”
“We can’t let Our club make the Bills look even worse”

Theres No reason this season shouldn’t have repeated last season.
To the poster above me, True there probably isnt anyone Available currently that is better.
But there is plenty of other goalies who are better.
Seems like the goalies we trade always shine.

fallowed = teh wrong spelling :bloated:

go away. you don’t add anything to this thread. your grammar and spelling sucks. and if you actually believe the crap you vomit onto your keyboard and into this forum, then you are even more retarded than i think :wink:

If i didn’t spell horribly, people with No lives like you, wouldnt have anything to bitch about.
If you worry about spelling on the internet, you probably play WoW and should kill yourself, in a Wendys.

That I’m not sure, but 18th in save percentage and 18th in GAA is not deserving of this all star money I keep hearing everyone say we’re going to have to pay him. Last year we blew off his average numbers because we were winning, using the excuse “he makes the big save when we need him to”. This year, when we’re not the highest scoring team in the league, it’s harder to make excuses for average goalie numbers.

not bitching, just pointing out your general lack of intelligence.

you are an attention whore. “wwoooooo!!! lolomgzlolleromfg!!! i am a badass philly fan posting in a sabres thread1!!! woooo!!! i can say stupid shit!!!111!!”

just go away. or start an official philly thread, and i will gladly stay out of it.


Off topic but Boston got DESTROYED tonight. Ovechkin with a 5 point night. Good enough for the league lead.

^^we’re still out of 8th by 3 pts though :frowning:

if we dont beat philly tomorrow…ugh…i dont wanna think about it

  • 2 its obvious were not winning the cup but a nice playoff run would be cool

campbell with a pretty decent goal last night.