Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

Aweosme game…The Wild aint no joke and the Pens looked good. The #1 line dominated. Lets hope we start to hit our stride. Last year we were 6-4 in the month of October, this year we are 6-4-1…so I guess we are doing OK but hopefully November we tear shit up.

I agree, we played a very good game last night props to Sabourin for a strong outing! I’m not a big fan of the commentary on Versus but whatever.

seems like malkin is starting to wanna take control of the games now like he did when he was with his russian team.crosby does need to shoot more i agree.malone has improved alot over last season i believe.recchi hasnt done alot this season as of yet and i believe deserves his place on the 4th line til he for scuduri i like him honestly he plays defence thats what hes there for hes not gonna get u 5 or 10 goals a season hes there for defence


saborin = getting teeh start tonight !

interesting. i guess it makes sense, but at the same time, id like to see fleury back in there and start playin how he should. but big props to danny for steppin in and gettin it done, for us.

I know it is early and I love fleury…but he better get his shit together. He had his time to develop and he isnt where we thought he should be. This is his year to prove he is a top 5 goaltender in the league. With his contract up this year if he doesnt play good I wouldnt be too surprised is he was traded. I don’t want it to happen but wouldnt be too shocked.

I know last year he had decent #s and over 40 wins but when it comes to goaltenders consistancy is key.

I absolutely love the fact that the coach will bench a player not playing well.

i hate 2-0 leads

how many leads can we blow in a row? wtf

Fluery has to start getting his shit back together.


Weak game, we looked sad again. Where is the pressure in the 3rd period when you’re down by one goal, even when we pull our goalie we look fucking lax as hell out there. Disappointing…

Fleury needs to go

My uncle is coming to town from Connecticut the weekend before thanksgiving- If anyone has cheaper (in price) tix to the rangers game let me know.

i dont think he played bad that game, really. he made some saves that i thought, probly wouldve went in, if he were playin how he did last week. we get decidedly out-shot almost everygame. and 2 early goals doesnt mean you can stop scoring and expect to win. besides the top 3 fwds, sykora and talbot, all the other fwds are playing way below where they need to be.

Agreed, Fleury played decent…made some really nice saves. I think other than our #1 line the whole team sint playing that great. 5 on 5 we are a joke…I hope some people step up 2 night against “the Devil”

Fleury is inconsistent at best. He may make a few wildly dramatic saves, but he is a below average goalie. I don’t like the choices he makes with the puck and behind the net, the rebounds are horrible(you could redo the entire defense strategy, or just get a goalie who knows how to handle a rebound), and he lets in very weak goals way too much.

I know you can’t blame Fleury for everything, but it’s a good place to start.

Is the game supposed to be on Fox Sports Pittsburgh? I just got Dishnetwork HD and the FSP channel which is supposed to be in HD just shows the dishnetwork logo on the screen constantly. Anyone else have this problem?

Dishnetwork raped the shit out of me…NHL Center Ice was $159.99 and only includes the regular season and the 1st 2 rounds of playoffs the rest is extra. I really wish they wouldn’t blackout are games so I could listen to the away teams commentators because I can’t stand Errey or Steigerwald (don’t get me started I hate him). If I can’t have Mike Lange I don’t want those two bums. But getting back to your question per the game is FSN Pittsburgh.