Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

Ehh…that punch looked a bit light…I think Laraque lost his footing. Either way laraque could have killed him when he knocked him down, but let him get back up b/c he prob thought the fight was over. Laraque> Brashear.

If that fight was judged like a boxing match or a MMA match I think it would’ve been close to a draw since Laraque had more punches but Brashear took him down, but I think he went down due to footing and not the hit.

3 straight wins, things are looking good! Fleury had a GREAT game.

Yes he did… Also Malkin was possessed. Both teams were close to scoring another goal many times. Both goalies played well and got lucky a few times.

Rough 3rd period lastnight…dont know what happened…it is like they lost their focus for like 10 minutes and got owned.

I hope the game tomorrow is sweet…I’ll be there for the first time this year. Free wings and Beer in the Box ftw.

Recchi missed about 4 wide open nets.

Toss some wings down to me in A27!

I hope that they play a little better tomorrow. Our defense played like complete shit last night. We really a DECENT defenseman to help out Fleury. Hopefully Max is going to be alright, I think that looked like one mean neck injury but who knows, he was skating around after the 2nd period but they didn’t want him to chance further injury.

haha…no wings for you.

I think Max is a huge part of our team and it showed lastnight. Other than Eaton and Orpik (when he wants to be) we do not have a solid defensive defenseman.

yeah Recchi needs to get out of this slump…he plays hard and puts in 100% but I think i heard them say he has 3 goals in 32 games. Roberts missed a decent open net too in the 3rd…maybe not open net but a good chance.

i dont consider orpik to be a “solid” defenseman. i think he throws a nice hit here and there, but most time’s he takes himself out of the play in doing so… i notice him being well out of position when on the ice for a goal. letang>orpik in my book.

recchi is a train wreck… he should retire yesterday. i think the crosby line/ power play could easily be another +2 every night if you get rid of him. if crosby is going to dance through 17 guys and drop off a little lob pass in front of the net, they need to give him a guy that can put it in, not stare aimlessly as it rolls over his stick and back out of the zone.

and just so it doesnt sound like i’m only talking shit…
i think malkin is doing amazing this year. so much so that i think he’s better suited on a line by himself and not with crosby.

also i think malone is really coming along this year and filling a role, where i think he’s been pretty questionable in past years.

I think that Letang will be getting the call very soon. As far as Orpik goes he does get a few hits in every once in a while but the majority of the time he either misses the hit or like you said takes himself out of the play. Ray Shero NEEDS to find someone to play D if they aren’t going to bring up Letang. I saw that Nasedaine dressed AGAIN but I don’t think he touched the ice at all.


first game i went to this year was last night…hope it gets better lol. well atleast jesus was there.

ya, mario is at every game, actually

anyone goin to the game tonight? i am :slight_smile:

Fluery looked like poo

Don’t get me wrong I hate the fact that we lost, but what a great game. Fleury played like he was a rookie coming in/out of the net at unnecessary instances. I think we’re probably going to see him benched more in the future after the wonderful display of talent put on by Danny Sabourin tonight. I hate to bitch about it but I have a little issue w/the players that Therrien selected during the shootout. Why not let Talbot, Staal, or I hate to even say Whitney (shit he played a decent game and seemed to have had Price’s number tonight) take a shot at the net. At any rate our defense seemed to have played a little better than they had Thursday. Gary Roberts was out of the lineup and was replaced by Tyler Kennedy. My honest opinion on Kennedy is he shows a lot of enthusiasm but he isn’t going to do dick in the NHL with his size and the types of plays he was trying to make/create. Rob Scuderi had another awful game tonight, and I’m just hoping it was terrible enough to open some eyes to bringing up a defenseman from Wilkes Barre (maybe Letang or even let Naserdine start). The game was sick I got to talk w/ Patrice Brisebois which was pretty sick considering the caliber of player he is. All in all we showed a little more drive and played a better game, at least we got one point out of the game.

a few things i disagree with you about. the shootout, ya, i wouldve liked to have seen staal or talbot, but when you get 8 shooters deep and only 2 of them have even hit the net/got a shot on goal, then you dont deserve to win. they are facing a very young/inexperienced goalie and then let him control what they did, instead of taking it to him. so regardless of who it was that therrien put out there, it shouldve never got that far.

i think its pretty ridiculous how ppl love to rag on Scuderi all the time, but in reality he isnt that bad. he doesnt do anything fantastic but has doesnt make very bad decisions either. Ryan Whitney has made some very major mistakes in our own end over the past 4-5 games (terrible turnovers and decision-making)…very bad ones. but noone cares or will say anything cause he is who he is. Letang is not the answer. at this point, i would not want to see someone like scuderi, who plays decent in our own end, sit for someone who has worse defnsive skills at the moment, but can score from the point. do we need another shooting defenseman? i dont think so, not right now atleast. letang will be there down the road, no need to rush it.

That game was pretty exciting…1st period was terrible…but after that it was pretty even with the pens dominating at times. The one thing I hated was we could not hit the net…either our shorts were being deflected or the shooters would flat out missed. Overall I think the refs were a joke again but considering the 1st period and the refs I am happy we got a point…but a win was possible considering how badass Sabourin was…he made some insane saves.

As for Recchi, he plays hard and does good things…but he needs to score. I just read in the post he is going to be on the 4th line now.

Recchi needs to retire

Fleury needs to get better or get traded

Crosby needs to quit trying to make great passes and shoot the fucking puck.

Can anyone on the team hit the net with a shot, how pathetic is it that you have some of the most talented goal scorers in the league and miss the net on that many shots.

Gonchar + shootout = Please make sure you remember to shoot next time!