Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

didnt read the article but i think it was on the same day that Roy recorded his first win as a rookie also.

I’m not trying to take anything from the guy—don’t get me wrong, he played well but the thought of comparing him to a goalie such as Roy is stupid. But yes I believe it was the same day I think that’s where they were coming from with that comparision.

i wanted to add…yes gonchar missed on a few occasions last night, but so did most everyone else. malone should had a goal just inside the post. i think the worst/stupidest miss of the night was when Orpik was at the point and the Hab’s penalty was about to expire, so he rips it, misses the net and the puck rides the boards all the way around, which squirted free as the dude gets out of the box, creating an odd-man rush. thats a mistake i see alot by our guys and its something learned in juniors. if ur gonna rip it in the final seconds of a penalty, make sure its on net or get it deep and keep it there…not a ‘haymaker’ type shot thats gonna end up turning into an opportunity for the other team.

Hopefully everyone steps up and gets more shots on net Saturday that is what is needed more puck control and better break outs. Its frustrating that we got a ton of firing power and can only get 7 shots in the third period. It will all come around it has to with the talent we got.

Once all the sharpshooters get the chemistry going, then watch out.

Good to see them fight back from that 3-1 deficit. I thought that they looked good tonight. Did it seem like we got some calls from the official though? Any thoughts?

i guess we all have to stop talking shit about them not taking shots.

Most shots I’ve seen the Pens put on a team in a really long time.

Great play last night, Mad Max Talbot looked possessed.

it was like that last year tho too. we’d not shoot/score all that much, then play toronto and both teams light up the board with scores and shots.

Well that game last night was depressing to say the least. Needless to say everything that I could throw was on the ice, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many botched calls in one period before.

can’t blame the ref’s because Fleury can’t control a rebound and stop fairly routine shots.

Don’t get my wrong Fleury played like shiat but there were some bs calls

Fleury didnt play too great…but there were some terrible calls against us and just as many not called against them…it’s gay to bitch about it…but that’s what happened. Oh well…at least we know if the game was called “fair” then chances are we would have beat the Devils…so our record may improve against them this year.

you guys sound like Seattle after the superbowl. :smiley:

Fleury is the reason they lost, not the refs. He cannot give up every rebound right to the other team and continue to let in routine shots. He should be benched again.

Man I’m sorry to say, that goal when Fleury was laying in the net should not have been a goal even in Pee Wee hockey, let alone the NHL? Come on now. The refs are usually right on top of that shit, as soon as the goalie lays down and the puck goes out of sight they blow the whistle?

Brent Sutter had the refs in his pocket for that one.

What a show they put on today! I thought overally we had a pretty good game and I’m glad we came out on top in the shootout! Skyora is playing so well right now hopefully with a few more games under their belts things will start clicking a little more. I’m off to DC in the morning to see what we can do against the Caps. Later

Man that was one of the best Pens game I’ve seen ever. Everyone was playing with heart (namely Ryan Malone and Max Talbot) and they were backchecking like I had never seen before.

Great game.

Great game against Washington! Laraque vs. Brashear what a fight, I’d say it was a draw but none the less always a spectacle to see those to exchange blows. What a trip we had going up to the game, I couldn’t believe how many other Penguin faithful made the trip. Kudos to the drunk Washington fan that picked the wrong Pittsburgh fans to fuck with, I hope you’re done coughing up blood sometime later this week.

Awseome weekend for the Pens…both games were so physical…seems like when we play a little physical we usally win. I gotta give laraque that fight…he hammered Brashear pretty bad…Brashear landed like one or two punched then just tackeled him b/c he knew he would get hammered on if he stayed up…pussy

I just watched the fight on google and it looked like that last punch from brashear knocked laraque down. It was all Laraque in he beginning but Brashear ended it with the win.