Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

It seems like when we need to put the pressure on the most we take STUPID penalties constantly. I was thinking you could rotate Laraque in but who knows, it’s like our 2-4 lines individually have on/off switches that dictate whether or not they’re going to step up and play on any given night.

This is starting to get old…our D is a joke…give up over 30 shots 4 the3rd period. I know we were in the box a lot but even 5 on 5 we looked like crap int he 1st 2 periods. Fleury…wtf…wake up you faggot you give up 4-5 goals a game. This whole team is playing like crap with the few obvious exceptions.

If we keep playing like this we better trade for a right handed goal scorer…but who do we trade. We won’t get shit for any of the players we would want to trade…fuck.

Why isn’t Gonchar dropped to at least one knee on that Roszival PP Goal? He was just standing there like a jackass.

And on numerous occasions there were 1-3 blue jerseys in front of Fleury and none of our guys clear the front of the net out.



Anyone else notice we were are actually in the other end (which isn’t very often) how everyone is behind the net and not ONE person is in front for a centering pass??? I also couldn’t believe how FAR back our d was playing, like wtf are they doing. Gonchar is loosing his mind, if it wasn’t for his shot (which when on net is great lol) I’d dislike him even more.

Found out today my woman bought two tix to tomorrow’s game at Wachovia Center for my b-day.

Let’s hope we pull out a win in Philly! I’ll take some pics and hope I don’t get into a fight with soem Broad Street Bitches.

She’s a keeper! :boink

Whitney has been out the past 4 games…Pens lose 4 of the past 5…hummm

Eh, Whitney contributes more than Eaton but there is no way he would’ve made the sizeable difference they actually needed lol.

Really??? Our PP stats dropped big time too…we pick up some PP goals…never know. I think on O he is awesome…on D he is decent…but at times turns it over.

The only reason why I say that is because even with one SOLID player we still would’ve been beaten up pretty good by Philly. Did anyone else notice that New Jersey beat up on Philly 4-1.

therrien is not the man for the job, he will be out of here in jan if we are under .500

Going to tonight’s game. Got tickets for my Groomsmen…Crosby Bobblehead night.

Hopefully the “Devil” does not get payback tonight since we smoked them last monday 5-0. Brodeur has 499 wins…lets see if we can make him wait another game for #500. I read that Danny Sabourin will start tonight…he did shut them out last game…but Fleury better wake up…or me lose his starting job.

Ray Shero is an assclown, I bet any $$$ he has someone lined up waiting to take Therriens job! Bics, where are your seats? I think I’m in EIgloo2 but I’m not sure yet.

I am not selling out Shero just yet…it is too early to hit the panic button…I think if we finish @ or a little above .500 we are doing decent. But it is WAY to early to judge anything.

I am sitting in D23; Row N

im trying to grab up work’s tickets today so i may be in igloo east

Are we still friends? :angel:

Tough game at the Wachoff Center Saturday.

Very hostile environment. Utter silence after the 2nd Pens goal. Random yells of Pens fans heard throughout the crowd.

Lots of name-calling on the way out. Was called a faggot numerous times, I had my Crosby jersey on.

The whole arena booed when he touched the puck.

Man that had to be a tough game to be at. Did you drive out there for the game or were you there for another reason?

My girlfriend bought tickets to the game for my birthday so we drove out for the weekend just for the game. It was a pain in the ass getting into the main parking lot, but the parking surrounding the arena made it super convenient. We had a reserved pass that came with the StubHub tickets. While there we also checked out Eastern State Pentitentiary and some other shit.

But it was fun all in all, I love any chance I have to heckle Flyers fans. The only real downfall was the boring ass drive. The turnpike takes you right to Philly, no other roads needed really.