Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

We did that last season and nearly got into a couple fights with the opposing team’s fans, it was awesome.

Souper Bowl on 5th Avenue right by the arena—

im dissappointed in whitney so far, letang played good enough to keep sydor sitting, army has to get in the game though, i say scratch roberts, let the youngns get us back on track

It’s a shame Malkin and Crosby don’t play at 100%. They’re playing more of a play-maker role from what I’ve seen. I wouldn’t mind if they let loose and dominated the ice like they are capable of.

explain this? i dont follow what you are sayin. i think crosby and malkin have done more than what can be expected, this season. both are among the tops in the league in scoring and have provided the only spark we have, countless times so far this season.

ran into hall, ruutu, sydor last night at marios, hall was talking to me for a while and said theres some problems in the locker room with players and coaches, a big thing is army being scratched. also a couple weeks ago i ran into crosby and hall at diesel, i didnt even realize it that crosby is 20 and was drinking at diesel, haha

Cool, I know something has to be up with Colby and the coaching staff…he is bong benched way too much. If that is the case it is gay as fuck, player shouldn’t be benched b/c of personal problems with the coaches.

yeah he should… thats how you get all the asshole athletes that think they are too good to listen to what anyone has to say.( cough t.o. cough)
you are to respect a coach. i agree with benching him if that is the case. To be a successful team, it takes EVERYONE to respect each other, if that isnt there, they wont do shit

I see your point and pretty much agree…but if he is being benched b/c of personal differences then I think that is beat. Who knows though

means he needs to ditch his attitude and be more willing to learn/adapt to team play

how do u know he has an attitude?

a disagreement with a coach can be an isolated incident. that doesnt mean hes not a team player. im not sayin he isnt, but i dont think its fair to say he is, when you dont know. i can see Therien being unfair and whatnot, just as easily as i can see Armstrong having an attitude.

x 738478334934938!!!

ok maybe i worded it wrong. how about he has to resolves the problem between the coaching staff and himself?

ya i def agree with that. there has to be some sort of compromise between the two of them, if there is some sort of personal problem. if its on Colbys end, then he needs to man up and respect Therien and prove himself on the ice and not with his mouth and on Therien’s end, if hes taking it to a personal level, then he needs to get over it and get Colby back on the ice and let him prove himself. its not helping anyone by having him sit this much, hes a good player and we can use him to create a spark right now.

^^^ My point exactly

Right now there is SO much we can complain about…I think if anything it’s not worth it to complain but rather just compliement the “good” things. Which when I say good things we can all chuckle because aside from Crosby, Malkin, and Talbot there aren’t too many things to smile about. I’d have to say though I’m really liking Letang and I think Therrien is stupid if he sends him back down, give the boy some more time to devolope and I think we’ll see a lot from him in the next few years. All we can do is pray that Recchi will realize at this point in his career he is no longer helping the team but rather taking up a spot on the bench/roster that could be filled by someone else. It really is frustrating watching the guys go out in the first period and play as well as they did and then just blow it!

haha…good point. You forgot Gonchar…he is running shit this year. Yeah i agree about Recchi…seems like this will be his last year…lets hope Espisito will be pro ready next year and be able to fill his place. Letang so far looks decent, makes smart plays and not too many mistakes. Lets hope he keeps it up and improves.

Gonchar and Malkin are unstoppable on the one-timer…so sick.

Gonchar sometimes looks TOTALLY lost and forgets what the hell he is doing. But you cannot forget when he’s at the point and unloads a shot it’s a force to be wreckin’ with! If he didn’t have the shot he does he wouldn’t be the player he is today, imo.

heres what pisses me off about ppl with Gonchar. hes so good on the point, its not even funy. his shot, his passing, hes just amazing. always towards the top in th league in points for a defenseman. i will not deny that he seems lackluster in our end at times, but you know what u are getting with him. hes not the strongest defensive defensmean, but hes smart and hes awesome on the point. in saying that, you get a guy like Mark Eaton who is an awesome, pure defenseman, but doesnt produce much on the scoreboard, but you know what you are getting with him aswell. so my point is, quit bitching about Gonchar’s occasional lapse in our own end, because hes puttin up more points than most of our forwards and hes doing what you expect him to do. hes helping alot more than hes hurting. thats like bitching about Eaton not having any hat-tricks. you should know you arent getting that with him, so quit bitching about it.