Official 08-09 Penguins Thread

I have no reason to think that Atlanta will give up Kovalchuk unless they get a LOT in return. He has mentioned that he wants to start winning or he’s out of there, but that franchise is in trouble. If they get rid of their franchise player, who knows what happens as far as attendance and fan support goes.

I really would be surprised to see anything with Kovalchuk, especially with his relationship with Crosby.

is there more to this kovalchuk/crosby thing than i know about, or is all this “relationship” talk about that one game a few years ago where kovalchuk drew a penalty on crosby then pointed to him after scoring on the ensuing PP?

if so, whatever. theyre athletes competing at the professional level and shit like that will happen. it doesnt mean theyre going to cut each others throats with there ice skates if you put them in the same locker room.

what a bout Horton form FL. the last two seasons he has had 62 pts… and is on his way this season for 50+.

As for kovi/crosby i think there was another game where they got into it and kovi made a slashing motion across his neck to sid… i duno. last we played them when we won it barely looked like they even cared about playing each other so it might just be all those games earlier…

J.J. back to the burgh???

link no work

Works fine

works now… my ass he would play for minimum salary

I was thinking the same thing. Then I thought even if he would, you think the player’s union would allow it?

How do you mean?

I don’t really remember how the salary cap was when Kariya and Selanne did it, but they both signed $1M contracts to play for the Avalanche…

I just remember when Sid was making his contract there was word he couldn’t sign too low or the NHLPA would step in and say it wasn’t fair to other teams.

Wow they need a trade! horrible!

I am starting to think its all defensive issues, we need to get a better defense starting with the goalies, fleury needs better rebound control… that would have not been a goal if he would of just held on to the puck… also it did not help that orpik just let the guy come right into the crease without tying him up…

also, thinking back to the last game boucher let that two on one happen and he did not take the pass, majority of the goals in the game are easily blamed 50/50 on defense and goalie…

Our defense is the worse defense in the league, fleury is quickly becomming a laughing stock… he looked terrible in the 3rd period he only seen 7 shots but still…I would prolly play curry against philly on tuesday… since pilly has so many injuries right now…

we need a change I would hate to see therrien fired and someone like tortarella fill the spot being that him and ray shero have such a good relationship.

“I was thinking about it and if Mario would call me and say, ‘I’d like you to play for our team,’ I would think about it a lot,” Jagr said in a telephone interview from Moscow where the Kontinental League will hold its inaugural All-Star Game outdoors at Red Square Saturday. “I would play for the minimum salary. I would play for $350,000 just for him because I owe him my hockey life. I want to pay him back because he has made me what I am…besides my parents.”

^^ yah that was posted like 2 days ago, that was amazing that he would say that but I believe he cannot break his contract with the khl Im not 100% though, but at his age of what 38 or 36? He is leading the khl league lol.

i hate boucher with a passion. and cant believe we ar enot playing gogoloski! I realize having another righty on the blue lines would help at times but not if hes not doing anything and look at most of the goals the last 2 games he just stands there, no turning the head nothing! as for goalies i think we need kahbibulan from chi-town! Hes a good goalie and if he starts winning maybe fleury will get scared of losing his spot and step up his game like when conklin was here

Love them,but right now WE SUCK ON DEFENSE 100%!!

i feel a trade coming tonight if not tomorrow…

who do you think is going?

Penguins trade Sidney Crosby and 1st round draft pick for Nick Hoth

staal could go for a winger seeing know teams know whats hes worth, even though i dont want him too

whitney, scuderi and eaton could all go, we have enough D

dupius, fedatenko, could have went but they are hurt

skyora might go seeing how his contract is up at the end of the season but i doubt it

satan hasn’t been playing well

talbot just signed a new contract so he is out 4th line center

we need a winger, but i think we need to get rid of a D, we havent been playing gogoloski but are playing boucher and hes been horrible

i already told them i have a no trade clause from brotherhood but I offered your service for exchange of a six-pack…