Official 08-09 Penguins Thread

wtf horton would have scored 2 goals that stall missed today

um didnt i just say staal for st. louis or heatley or antriponov, i just didnt think horton is as good of a player then those 3… now looking at his career that last 2 yrs he has had 62 pts… i stand corrected

so shawn :wtcslap:

and we need something

i duno who is worse you or fleury!!!

what are those silver skates that gonchar wears?

i know last year he wor the one-ninetys but the ones hes has on this year have the e-holder that comes on Reebok and CCMs, but i dont recognise them.

They said on the first game back that they are a custom setup from some friends of his. Not a name brand. You’ll notice no logos because every brand must pay a $50k fee to the NHL to allow their logo to be seen. Errey said something about the skates being “extremely stiff, more stiff than any other skate on the market” and made specifically to Gonchar’s specs. They also made some mention to something about Paul Coffey, but I didn’t really catch that part of it.

interesting. hard to believe they could be much stiffer than one90’s mine feel like ski boots. also weird to me that he switched to something with an e-holder

weird. pretty cool tho, i guess. that is def the Reebok E-blade holder tho

Yeah, it is. They look identical to the holders that I took off my White 9k’s

I prefer the Tuuks way more than the Eblade. only thing that blows is the clear ones kept breaking on my One90’s.

i heard those clear ones were garbage…they def look cool tho

clear goalie tuuks are garbage, not sure about the player ones.

skate on them 5 days a week… shit breaks.

i do agree that the clear ones break much more regularly than the white ones though… i think thats why they switched back to the white ones on one95’s.

I just heard of alot of ppl switching back from the clear. in general, the Tuuk holder seems to be the most preferred tho, compared to the other brands.

back to Pens tho. is anyone else sick of all the ridiculous rumors that fly around on all the hockey sites? Malkin for Kovalchuk being 1 of them. plus, if u look on message boards, alot of 'Pens fans" want to trade Sid. lol. ppl are hilarious

Crosby sucks, he’s not even in the top 2 in the league for scoring.

The only person I would trade Sid for would be Ovechkin, he’s a monster.

But I would rather trade Malkin for Ovechkin and have Sid and Ovechkin on 1 line, that would be awesome.

ya, now that washington has some other guys producing, they dont need AO to score 25% of their goals anymore… i dont see any reason they need to keep him and his hefty salary around.

i can definitely see them trying to dump him off before the deadline.

from the halfway point of last season up until now, Malkin is the best player in the world.

It’s kind of sad because the Penguins quick success has been sort of a part of their downfall as well. A lot of stupid yinzer Steeler fans jumped on the Penguins band wagon and there are just a lot of uneducated hockey fans out there that treat it like a Steeler game.

I almost hate going to Pens games anymore. Idiots that scream shoot (had one dumbfuck lady screaming it while the Pens were passing in the defensive zone, thought she was being sarcastic, but she wasn’t), to not understanding the idea of interference (heard another rocket scientist wonder why its legal to do it in basketball, but you can’t set a screen in hockey).

I remember having season tickets during college, 2002-03, 03-04, 05-06, even with the team not being great there were true fans there. There might have only been 10-11k in the house, but they were all super passionate hockey fans.

Nobody is trading Sid or Malkin. I thought earlier this year Fleury was going to be in the same situation but I could see them possibly getting rid of him if a nice opportunity presents itself.

And also, Ovechkin is not going anywhere. At least not now. If there was some financial situation similar to what Edmonton ran into with Gretzky, then that’s understandable, but I doubt the Caps are going to run into a situation like that in the future.

looks like the canadiens wanna trade kovalev.i wouldnt mind seein him back here

id lovvvve picking him back up

Loved him when he was here, but it sure seems he has issues when he’s not the captain or doesn’t have respect for the captain, at least as far as Montreal has gone.

I’d take a flyer on him for the right price, for sure. Wouldn’t want to give up any big name NHL talent to get him (no Whitney, Staal, etc…)

Edit - Also, just remember, after the lockout year when the Pens signed Gonchar they were looking for a winger too. Craig Patrick was down to bringing back Kovalev or signing Ziggy Pallfy. The rumor was he thought Kovy had been past his prime and that if Ziggy was healthy, he’d be the better signing.

We all know how that worked out, but is Kovy really truly over the hill?