you could kinda tell jack’s dad was evil… the way he was watching the torture and then sticking around. i mean the guy’s running a multi million (or probably billion?) dollar crooked illegal weapon/substance ring. he watched his one son torture his other almost to the brink of death without flinching.
the only thing that doesn’t really make sense… is that it seemed that their plan was to play jack for a fool and lead him in the wrong direction. but why? i’m sure his dad is going to try and kill him eventually (i mean he already killed graeme who was much less of a threat since he was “loyal” and working on his side…) why wouldn’t they instead just kill jack when they had the chance?
Other than that, solid show. Of course Morris ends up being the programmer. And of course CTU gets tricked again pretty easily. Doesn’t seem like a problem though… if someone told me to program the nuke or die; and I figured I was one of only a few people who could do the job… um okay, torture and kill me. Torture me and I’m just going to hate you more, and kill me and you’re def. not getting the job done. lol. It’s a situation where you know you are dying in the end regardless, so why give them what they want?