Official 24 Thread - 2007

Was anoyone else sorta let down by this finale? I got $10 that says jack’s dad ends up being found in the CTU server room.

i thought the ending was a total letdown. with the climax reached with 30 minutes to go, nothing interesting happening with jack + dad, them not saying a thing about the kid maybe being jack’s son, and the blah heller/audrey stuff, it wasn’t good. it might have been better to have jack killed in the attack… or at least made it look like it.


i thought the ending was a total letdown. with the climax reached with 30 minutes to go, nothing interesting happening with jack + dad, them not saying a thing about the kid maybe being jack’s son, and the blah heller/audrey stuff, it wasn’t good. it might have been better to have jack killed in the attack… or at least made it look like it.


Yeah with heller i thought jack pulled the gun on him for a reason like he set jack up somehow. It was kinda stupid.

I thought the finale was great. Kiefer definitely earned another best actor award for the scene with Heller.

The one big plot hole that bothered me was the escape from the oil platform. So the Russians are watching our satellite feed to make absolutely sure there is no way the component escapes the blast. Yet no one mentions a helicopter landing and leaving just before it blows up. For all they knew that was Chang flying away with the component. Pretty serious plot hole there, even by 24 standards.

^ it really was chang flying away there. lol

good point though. plus the russians believed our word that the component was in someone’s possession on that rig… when we had just blatantly lied to them an hour or so before.

^ Well, the kind of explained that with the Chinese sub that was heading to that same oil rig. But when the heli flew away you’d think at least one of the Russians would have asked about it.

Note that Chang gave the subcircuit board to Phillip Bauer before he went upsatirs to “take care of the helicopter” (with a 9mm handgun, lol)…

So now Bauer has his grandson, AND the board the Chinese were so hard up to get - aka all the chips? Sense makes what?

I think it’s good the last 30mins were a “wrap-up”. The scene with Jack and Heller was sweet, IMO. Pretty well done there. But the oil rig scene could have had sooooo much more going for it. I was hoping for a 15-min. firefight, 5 minutes of Jack deading his pop, and 25 minutes of recap / ending.

But Jack doesn’t have the circuit board. He never took it from his dad, so it’s at the bottom of the ocean with Jack’s dads remains.

IF Jack’s father is dead.

Hes a 300 year old man with a gun shot wound to his right lung, then he got blown the fuck up by 6 ATS missiles

He’s still a Bauer, so if they don’t show him dead, he’s not.


He’s still a Bauer, so if they don’t show him dead, he’s not.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Graham was still alive.:smiley:


He’s still a Bauer, so if they don’t show him dead, he’s not.


nail —> head

Where do you think Jack got his DNA?

even if philip bauer is alive, the circuit board is toast, as they said it would be useless if it hit the water

i was definitely left somewhat disappointed by it just ending in jacks agony (AGAIN), but the writers followed their usual writing technique, in that the main drama is averted with half an hour left to go, and then stupid BS for the last 1/2 hour…which was AWESOME last year when the chinese took jack at the end. i did like the scene with jack and heller, and i was waiting to hear the “how yet again heller is involved in a cover up”

all the nerds keep talking about how 24 is going to spin in an entirely new direction for next season…im real curious how they play it off from here…

Well, about an hour and 10 minutes in the all new cast started making since because everyone was disobeying orders like the were Jack. All those fuckers are gonna be in jail next season, because only Jack gets the miracle get out of jail free card. :lol:

Perfect example: “The president’s order is that Jack be placed in custody”

10 minutes later: “Jack is on the phone, lets help him”.

Jack becomes the President of the United States and wrestles the Russian premiere, played by Chuck Norris. The season is 15 minutes long as the moment they lock in mortal combat the world implodes and Chloe is the only human survivor.

it will be entitled “:15”.

they need to just make jack a rogue fucking beast killing everyone in sight, including his former friends, b/c someone or group has his daughter and SON hostage and will kill them if he doesnt terrorize everyone.

that would be sweet… we might actually get to see some good acting from everyone then.

I want chloes baby to be jacks, that would be the ultimate slap in morris’s face

Best line from the show last night.

“If you send anyone for us, I will kill them. I am pretty good at that too.”

is it me… or does JOSH look like DOYLE? maybe its the actors son? who knows but they loook almost identical its sick