Official 24 Thread - 2007

I can’t wait for next week.

OMG I forgot to ask this cause of the shock of finding who his brother is, but they mentioned a sister. Do you think it is the hottest woman alive and the father, why was that guy taking calls for him, could Jacks dad be gay?

“A sishtah” /vader

Jack’s sister is probably a Swedish supermodel that can levitate with Kevlar for skin. That or a T-Rex. I’m just not sure at this point.

No the guy was the butler or something. His dad is loaded.

With man goo, in his butt

Tonight is the night!!

I am going to try getting an HD signal today. I hope it works. Jack kicking ass in HD > *

Report back when your mission is complete. I will be waiting in the de-briefing room.

My Silver Sensor antenna came in last week. I haven’t had a single dropout since switching the rabbit ears out for the SS. Some of my signals are actually a little lower, but they seem much more stable.

Yeah I was looking at HD antenna data and the website above. I think am I am more confused. In theory, should I be able to use regular rabit ears and pick up an HD signal?

I don’t think a coaxial will give you signal seperation for HD. I’m really interested to see how this works too.

Counter will be up and running although I have a Saranac sixer waiting for me at home, might need some help Tuesday AM with the numbers. By my count we’re on episode 6 and there’s already nearly 14,000 dead. Is this a great show or what? :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

omg i cant wait… when i found out that the little guy was jacks brother i almost crapped.

:tspry: to jacks family reunion suffocation sessions

I don’t want to fill the 24 thread up with how to antenna HDTV posts, so I’ll link to this one.

I went into great detail about my coax/rabbit ear setup there in post #5.

Update 1:30:07
Curtis Manning RIP :frowning: (Bauer’d aka shot in the throat)
Approximately 540 Americans (terrorist bombed)
4 terrorists in the house (Cobra attack)
1 terrorist (stabbed)
1 terrorist (by Jack chewing off his throat) :eek:
the guy who played rube baker in major leagues 2 and 3…contractor guy (kumar shot in his house)
Prison Bus driver (?)
Scott’s Dad (vaporized)
Kumar (blasted by CTU)
Terrorist that was in the car crash that threw the grenade on the C4 pallets (hmmm)
Cop that wounded terrorist that was in the car crash that threw the grenade on the C4 pallets (shot)
3 Tac Team members (shot, then nuked)
4 terrorists (shot, then nuked)
20 Remaining Tac Team and terrorists (blackened)
Approximately 12,000 Valencio Californians (extra crispy)
Pilot of the crashed helicopter (splattered)
2 tac team members in the van outside Jack’s dad’s workplace (shot though the head, and Graem’s to blame, he gives Bauer, a bad name)

Not enough :shoot: lately :gotme:

Yesterday was a slow killing day for Jack. Just think, this is only after 6 hours.

Yeah most of the killing is via bombs or they didn’t show it.

BTW - 24 is HD is fucking hot!!

Damnint i need to get an antenna.

Regular rabbit ears work fine. At least in my area.


Goddamn this show. Everytime I think I have things sort of figured out, they throw me for a loop.