had this down in long island. very goood.
You guys arguing over the chick, that no one even said they would not do, reminds me of:
bones brews right now
bones brew ftw
Never had bones brew…where can you get it? Dont think I have ever seen it at Colonie or Savemore Beverage.
ya dumbass
Soooo I’m a dumbass because I never have been to Smokey Bones? Heard nothing but bad things about that place.
Currently 7 deep into a 12 pack of SA Octoberfest.
currently about to finish of a 12 pack of Sammy Octoberfest. i love this shit.
great brew
gasp dont say that to sarge
Oh no he dint
Oh but I did. Do something about it! :ohnoes
had some Oktoberfest with the sarge last night never had it before was pretty good
had this last week, ehhh…not amazed. anyone else try this yet?
got my hands on this:
winter seasonals are out:
also had a couple oktoberfest/fall beers this weekend:
Got a dozen of Sam Adams Oktoberfest last night.
Scooped a 6er of this, pretty good:
Ellito, Dogfish Head 120 is very good, never had any of those other ones.
i’ll deff pick up 120 again, i want to age one, but being my first time having it i drank it as soon as i had it. southern tier is quickly becoming my favorite brewery, they also have stories on all of their 22oz beers that i have seen so far, pretty cool.