OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

Oh I definitly would not be scared to face any team in the playoffs with the team we have…

and again they completly controlled the flow of the game…

any times we scored they would come right back and keep the puck glued in our own end, as if the ice suddenly tilted…and then would score to take back the lead. Once regaining the lead they would sit back setup the trap and control the neutral zone…we defintly had a lot of great scoring chances, I am not saying the totally pwnzored us, but they had control of the majority of that game. It was ine of our better games yet this season as well, mistakes were down, but when they were made ATL capitalized. I was particularly impressed with the Sabres lack of penalties, very disciplined play…though the refs seemed to hold their whistles for both times on a handful of calls…

perhaps from your TV things looked different…but actually being there you could see the frustration that was setting in as the Sabres could n’t break through the neutral zone for most of the second half of the game. When they have to make passes up the center of the neutral zone just to be able to break across the blue line you know the other team is doing a good job at covering up the boards where the Sabres speed can really show through.

It was a really good game, by both teams, they just out-fought us for the win.

edit: screw lake ontario… its dirty dirty…I mean rochester is one it for crying out loud…lake erie FTW!