OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread


that was fast

Haha lydman did get his face busted up and that guy he fought was a pussy im suprised it wasnt the other way around normally him and mair fuck people up.We played shitty as hell the first period but were starting to look better.:tup: for drury, lets get another hatty from our other captain.


That was a hell of a save.

Dare I say it, this could be the start of a new win streak.


and Sturm fucking bit it. holy fuck that was alot of blood coming out of his mouth

we didnt really play all that hot. its just that boston sucked. last game too, although last game our passing was really on point (sometimes we’re on sometimes not) and we def showed up a bit more. that first power play we had today was atrocious. our pp is 23rd in the league, we need to step that up. but it keeps jersey off our backs, so its all good.

Man…The Sat game vs. Jersey is gonna be huuuuuuuuge!

i think we’re gonna rock jersey, brodeur has been playing like shit since the all-star game…

jersey= overrated. Sabres> jersey. yep even I said it.

Kalinin and Numminen have been playing pretty poorly right now, but to say they are useless is kinda lame. Take Numminen out of the lineup and you will see the same piss poor Pk’ing and defensive play as with having Tallinder out. Nummi is as smooth as butter.

Boston played a hell of a game last night, and the sabs still took it. The next 3 games are going to be the real test for buffalo. IN NJ and IN ATL…:bites fingernails:

Don’t forget ottawa, the day after the ATL game

yea i cant wait for the ottawa game thats gonna be the nail biter


I hate Ottawa.

Ottowa always brings their A game against the sabres should be a battle if the sabres can keep up their pace like they did in most of last night’s game. They just need to connect on those passes.

holy shit miller


8 blocked shots, and 15 shots on goal…

to the sabres 2 blocked shots and 5 shots on goal

23 - 7 little lop sided :frowning:

what a save miller had… should have been a goal though :eek:

Two things I’m not impressed with tonight.

  1. Lindy Ruff. Bullshit to start Miller tonight after the game Marty won for you thursday night.

  2. Ryan Miller. About 1/2 of the time when we get stuck in our own end it’s Miller’s fault. At least 5 times tonight I’ve watched him come out of the net and play the puck AWAY from our defenseman who is all alone, only to chuck it into a corner where a Jersey player and Buffalo player have to battle for it. As good a goaltender he is, he’s a terrible puck handler. So many times watching the two games Marty started we’d easily skate the puck out because Marty would give it to a defenseman, not play it away from him.


one more guys :tup: