OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

yea first period was sloppy but kind of an equal period, the rest of most of the game looked like new jersey was on a constant power play we couldnt get any shots on goal or even out of our zone.Biron has been extremly impressive lately. I think he should have started again tonight. Miller was Great the first half of the game then he kinda just slipped up in the end. WTF was up with the lack of tripping and hooking penalties called against the devils???not that it was an excause but i mean come on there were too many times that calls didnt get called.

That 3 minutes…

It’d be hard to say we deserved to win that game, but still.

I think we deserved to win that game. Considering its new jersey and their different way of playing then other teams; we were able to overcome their traps. With a team like that you cant just go for shots on goal because they can turn it around for an odd man rush real easy. I think we played it well. luck just wasnt on our side. That first goal got to millers head. He thought the whistle should have been called. He deff shoulda have saved that 3rd goal. I hope we now realize how important it is to have biron as a backup goalie.

Yea i really really dont want to see biron leave, but then again hes too good to be a backup

Biron came way out of the net in the second boston game, and it was definitely not necessary. Miller is much more reliable in terms of puck control, but I did see him do that a few times.

Either way, this game can’t be blamed on Miller. 1 goal was questionable, the second one went off of Kalinin like 6 feet in front of the net and the 3rd Miller effed up. Should’ve been a 2-2 game (yes, the save that Miller made on Elias should’ve actually been a goal). They lost by a goal to a hot team in the Eastern Conference…can’t really be too upset. ATL and OTT back to back will be another big test.

first of all. that first goal of theirs was complete ass-backwards bullshit. miller had the fucking puck in his glove for about 3-4 seconds. the whistle should have been blown and the play stopped. if that goal didnt happen, would the second one right after that have happened? idunno, not gonna argue about that. the third goal probably should have been saved, but they had A LOT of shots on goal, miller was bound to give one up.

as for ppl saying that miller doesnt know how to handle the puck out of the net, well, maybe ur right. BUT, Biron is about the worst goalie that i would want to play the puck. Also, miller is our starting goalie, just because biron won a few games the other nights against shitty teams doesnt mean that when it comes to the number 2 team in the conference that miller should sit the bench. it was miller’s right to have the net and he played FANTASTIC. go look up the stats for they game. they out shot us in every period by MANY goals, and it was still held to a one point game.

thats all for now

Look, I’m not saying Miller isn’t the better goalie. He’ll make amazing saves all night and make it look easy. But, if he could clear the puck better, he might not be winning the stats battle. Lets face it, if you can get the puck out of your end your goalie isn’t going to be nearly as busy, and won’t have to make the amazing save nearly as much.

We got outshot 37 to 17 man…

lol… truth

i knew nothing good could have happened when it was 16-6 at the start :-/

How many games have the Sabres actually outshot their opponents?

No way. 1 second at the most. Either way, it was a questionable goal and it would’ve evened out anyway had the refs made the right call on Elias’ robbing.

ok, maybe not 3-4 secs., but that was beyond questionable. it was blatently obvious that it was convered

i dont recall Elias’ robbing. refresh my memory

Miller put his glove over Madden’s stick and the puck at the same time. It wasn’t exactly frozen in his possesion. That’s why it’s questionable.

Elias made that one-timer shot and Miller robbed him with the glove. It wasn’t reviewed in Toronto, but if you look at an overhead shot, his glove was over the line.

they seriously out played the shit out of the sabres. its amazing the score wasn’t 10-1

all i’m gonna say is, once that 3rd period started and the devils were ALLLLL over us, i knew it was only a matter of time, ryan miller or not, until they put one in. theres no way we can come out so flat like that on the road in the 3rd period and expect to not get burned

The sabres are still yet to play 60 min

I don’t know what’s more scary…the fact that they haven’t played a full 60 minutes and are still leading the eastern conference, or the possible fact that they CAN’T play a full 60 minutes.



I hope they wake up soon and start playing better defensively. Seems like Kalinin is always playing when something bad happens, either hes going for the puck falls and they get a goal or it goes off him into the net. I think we need to trade Kalinin and Peters asap

yeah that was a rob, but it happened so fast u really couldnt see anything questionable about it

maddens stick was persistently poking miller’s glove, no matter what, it was a HORRIBLE referee call.

the sabres didnt play that poorly against the devils. they outshot us by far, but thats only one stat. look at turnovers, we forced a lot of turnovers on them. the reason why we dont get as many shots on goal is that we dont just skate accross the blue line and rip slap shots at the goalie, even though we should do that more often. we got a good amount of plays in in their zone. we just needed to take more shots on goal and do LESS passing inside the zone. the sabres will find that if they take those shots on goal, there will be more rebounds and more scoring opportunities overall.