OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

well, according to MATH, when we were BEHIND, anaheim, that put us at second place…correct me if im wrong here, b/c i dont think anyone doubted it

however, we had GAMES IN HAND, but last i checked were and are never a guaranteed win…so if you think that b/c the leafs have GAMES IN HAND that magically equals points, you my friend are delirious. lol, you’re team wins 5 in a row and magically every game they play is 2 points? ngrplzzzz

and that “i say ottawa beats buffalo in the 2nd round”…sounds like a lot of other bandwagoneers last year…remember how that worked out? i do…watch this for a refresh :tup:

i hope toronto sneaks in 8th place…for another refresher, do me a favor and let me know torontos playoff record since 2000, INCLUDING against los sabres

btw, why do you keep telling people to go to…even THEY show toronto is in 9th place roflroflroflroflrofl

1 Buffalo Sabres * 55 36 15 4 76 206 159 17-7-2 19-8-2 2 New Jersey Devils * 54 33 15 6 72 146 129 19-4-4 14-11-2 3 Atlanta Thrashers * 56 29 18 9 67 172 174 14-9-5 15-9-4 4 Montreal Canadiens 55 29 20 6 64 161 159 17-9-3 12-11-3 5 Pittsburgh Penguins 53 27 17 9 63 179 162 16-8-4 11-9-5 6 Ottawa Senators 54 30 21 3 63 180 147 15-11-2 15-10-1 7 Tampa Bay Lightning 55 30 23 2 62 175 167 14-13-0 16-10-2 8 Carolina Hurricanes 56 27 22 7 61 168 177 14-10-4 13-12-3 9 Toronto Maple Leafs 54 27 21 6 60 174 174 11-12-3 16-9-3
maybe you are delusional :stuck_out_tongue:

Better yet thier playoff record since 1967

the sabres are OUT HITTING A TEAM!!

why does it seem that we cant hold a lead longer than 30 seconds

got the lead back! nice shot

great pass to max…

what a laser shot

Biron, starts next game!

Im glad the PP is waking up again. Very exciting game.

yay we finally beat Ottawa

all hail king vanek

biron ftw

time to bring biron into the starting loop for a bit to let miller recharge and realize he needs to work to keep his job in this town :stuck_out_tongue:

now wheres espo to start wah’ing some more about how we can’t beat ottawa…

Over all, just a sick game against a team that had beaten us 4 out of 5 of the previous games, so far biron has the only 2 wins against the senators.I think it might have something to do with the fact that the senators know how miller plays all too well and what his weaknesses are, Biron is a little more unpredictable at times and thats why i think the sens struggle to score on him.( i am in no way calling biron better than miller or anything what so ever,im just stating that biron seems to have the upper hand against ottowa)I definatley like the way played lately hes been outstanding.Its really going to be a shame to see him go to another team after this season , but hes just too good to be a back up goalie:tup: for vanek’s 2 goals and max’s first in 9 games lol.

did u see rob ray’s comment in the lexus shoot out about what underdog team buffalo has to watch out for? he said that he would watch out for teams 6,7 and 8 in the eastern conferance standings and said that the 9th (Leafs) and 10th teams they would have no problem with lol

:tup: to biron… IMO miller has been playing like total shit lately

big friggin deal they finally beat ottawa. the sabres beat ottawa 2 out of 6 times theyve played. - thats not that good. and for the record im glad they beat them- Toronto is closer to catching ottawa than Buffalo.

ommgggooodddoorrzzz the sabres are in first place

what now espo! what!

/scarastic section of thread

Pretty solid game and yes marty has been playing better than miller, be interesting to see who starts sat

Glad we’re back on track with special teams and winning the last 4/5 :tup:


yeah and Rob Ray is credible. :roll: the guy has no brains left after Domi beat his cranium in so many times. He should stick to his landscaping job.

You made a big deal about TO beating ottowa silly :wink: Last year ottowa had the sabres number most of the season too. Then they got better towards the end. And in the playoffs when it counted…

Beat them faster than they beat the flyers too.

pommers shothanded goal FTW :wink: