OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

dont be jealous, hater :slight_smile:

Toronto has played 54 games and has 60 points.
Carolina who is ā€œin the 8th seedā€ has played 56 games and has 61 points
Tampa Bay who is ā€œin the 7th seedā€ has played 55 games and has 62 points.
see for yourselve.


leafs still suck, stay in your other thread or iā€™ll just lock that one cause you still come into this one anyways :rofl:

that stillllllll doesnā€™t change the fact that they are in 9thā€¦


Oā€™RLY? how does it not? Just like when the Ducks had more games played than the Sabres and all you Sabre dickriders whined about well Anaheim played 2 more games than us but they are only is 1 point ahead of us.


Toronto has played 54 games and has 60 points.
Carolina who is ā€œin the 8th seedā€ has played 56 games and has 61 points
Tampa Bay who is ā€œin the 7th seedā€ has played 55 games and has 62 points.

i just come in this one to stir shit up cause this thread is lame. Seriously, hop on the Leafs bandwagon now, cause its gonna be one hell of a ride!

Connolly can still play before the playoffs and the Sabres wouldnā€™t have to trade anyone. Thatā€™s actually what I think they should do. Make no trades, and let Connolly get a few games under his belt before the playoffs start. He will be the best ā€œtradeā€ the Sabres will get.

so thatā€™s a fancy way of saying best case scenerio youā€™re tied for 7th place?

annndd the sabres werrnā€™t first in the league at the time, doesnt matter.

correct. but i dont want 7th place. I want 8th. I want the fancy-pant girls known as the Buffalo Sabres to finish in 1st.

Toronto vs. Buffalo 1st round of playoff is my dream.

lol why so you guys can get knocked out first round? at least take round one and then face perhaps a little beatup sabres club.

sorry but in all honesty there is little to no chance that this years leafsā€™ team can beat teh sabs in a 7 game series.

honestly your Sabres are overrated. Physically punish them and they give up the puck, are afraid to go into the corners etc. plus we bring a couple of goons up for game one and hurt french visor boy Briere, run Miller, and generally take out any other Europen pu$$y on the team and we got the series on LOCK!!!

so the only way you feel you can win is by ā€˜beating upā€™ players to the point they get knocked out of the game? When will you start relying on skill to win games?

actually i was just being stupid and trying to aggrivate. Nonetheless the Sabres dont play well when an opposing team plays them very physically.

no, i agree that the sabres are no where near physical enoughā€¦i just disagree with game plans that include injuring people. Unless the ā€˜peopleā€™ are babies, then i condone it.

That is true lately. Last year it didnā€™t seem to matter that much.

cause like i said 20 pages ago we miss mckee and grier for the physical aspect prolly more than their defensive play evenā€¦we NEED to get someone at the deadline that can wear down the opposition in a 7 game series

and I still dont think itll matter too much come playoff time. I know im not gonna risk getting hurt mid-season because I took that extra hit, or made that extra hit for that matter.

in terms of trades;

at the beginning of the season I wasnā€™t too keen on Kotalik. heā€™s changed my mind since then

Kalinin I donā€™t think is working out too well. Hecht, while he is good, doesnt seem to click with us, and while he does help us, maybe someone else could help us more. Spacek isnā€™t producing as an offensive defensemen like we expected him to do, and he could free up a chunk of change for us

Biron, i love. we should keep him for the rest of the season. but after that, i dunno. weā€™re paying him a lot of money to play backup. hes a great goalie, but rather expensive

Danny briere; we need to keep him. but, with every goal he scores, hes just gonna cost more and more money. 25 mil contract for 5 years? that could work well, and might be something heā€™d be into. although, iā€™m not too sure its in our best interest to sign him that long. whereas drury, we should try to hold on to for 5-7 years. heā€™s just coming toward his prime now, and still has more to do. best season of his career right now.

weā€™ve got a lot of thinking to do

btw -being physical is a part of hockey. its truth. gunning for people is not, however. or at least it shouldnt be.