OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

Anyone going to the game tonight? Ill be 5 rows behind the net where they shoot twice!

o and it does make a difference because the more goals the longer you can chant

1-2-3-4-5-6 we want 7

and if they scored 19 woow would that be a chant

i dunno… why start miller…

why not stay with marty?

damn man gaustad is out for the season


Gaustad is out for the season [size=2]:(!!![/size]


uh oh leafs lost again and one of their played got their ass beat so bad that he got taken off on a stretcher lol

Exciting game, but I’m still pretty down after hearing about goose. Done for the year, including the playoffs. :cry:

Anyone got video of the Toronto player getting his ass beat? Don’t like to see injuries in hockey, but when a goon fights and gets his ass beat, I guess that’s ok.

Don’t know much about the guy, but when you have 87 penalty minutes in 37 games in the minors, I think that qualifies as “goon”.

to make things worse…if nashville doesnt do somthing in the 3rd; buffalo will be at 80, nashville will remain at 79, and J_espo1 will cry

kotalik continues to impress me…i almost hope they DON’T trade him…

Wouldn’t bother me if they didn’t trade anyone honestly. All they talk about is how this team plays so much like a team. It’s not one guy, they win by playing well together, etc etc etc. Why mess with that? Just because they had a slump that they seem to be coming out of?

b/c the only way the sabres didnt go over the salary cap is that connoly didnt play all season

we WILL have to trade someone, regardless of team cohesion or not, either at the deadline or during the offseason…

I thought Connelly wasn’t on IR at the start of the season, because they were hoping to get him back? If that was the case his 2.2mil had to be in the budget.

nashville lost 4-1

connolys been on IR since last may lol

read some back articles in the news, connolys salary is NOT in their current cap amount. they have repeatedly said they could not have afforded this season without him on IR. they brought it up in the article talking about how peters wont play as much b/c its cheaper to bring up guys from rochester and to sit peters

I have a feeling Marty is gone after this season.

i’d place a smart bet he won’t be the only one unfortunately…i forsee departing: kotalik, biron, numinnen (we won’t resign him for ANOTHER 1 year deal, bring on paetsch :slight_smile: ), HOPEFULLY kalinin (but we won’t dump him unless we score seabrook from chicago in exchange for kotalik), and either briere or drury

i see no possible way we keep both briere and drury UNLESS:

a. briere decides that after another superb season, he will accept a long term contract for the same amount he’s making now (which is what he asked for last season, in the terms of a 5 year 25 mill deal) and will actually “practice what he preaches” in that he does indeed want to stay in ruff buff like he claims so much

b. drury accepts an EXTREME lowball offer in exchange for a long term contract and opts not to seek a deal like brieres to “stay with the team he wants to play for”

c. salary cap increases a good bit from this season, which is also quite possible due to the increase in attendance and revenue this year

haha that was great watching stall shut down the leafs and that leafs player get knocked the fuck out.
Good win for the sabres.Millers been playing kind of crappy druing regulation recently, then all the sudden in the shoot outs hes amazing and stops almost anything they shoot at him.We beat 3 good teams in a row , Big :tup: for briere and vanek, goddamn.

Anyone catch that slash from Emery on Lapierre? It was intense. Good game for the Sabres nonetheless :tup:

I assume you don’t go to the games then… the chant is only the 3 numbers before the target number (i.e. 4,5,6, we want 7!)

I really hate those chants… greedy bastard fans who aren’t satisfied with a 6-1 win, it has to be a 7-1, then 8-1 win. If i were a player, id think “fuck, be happy with what you got”