OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

it was a great game!! you guys are kinda lucky you got the point, malone and recchi both had a good shot at the empty net.

im likin gary roberts more and more every game :slight_smile:


im likin gary roberts more and more every game :slight_smile:


What’re you talking about, Roberts is totally washed up :wink:

I have no problem with Ruff using Vanek, but he needs to threaten Vanek and tell him he is going to rip off his balls and stitch them to his forehead if he doesn’t stop trying to deak and use that amazing shot that he has.

At least if NJ wins against Pitts tomorrow, they will still be behind Buffalo in the standings.

The Leafs never should have got rid of Roberts :ham:


fucking vanek



Man I’m sick of seeing Vanek in the shootout.

Still, not bad going in and getting a point against the best team in the league (since January anyway). I bet we’d match up real well healthy.


Man I’m sick of seeing Vanek in the shootout.

Still, not bad going in and getting a point against the best team in the league (since January anyway). I bet we’d match up real well healthy.


eastern conference final i hope. pens vs sabres, 2 of the youngest/best teams to watch. of course pitt will come out on top though :slight_smile:


… of course pitt will come out on top though :slight_smile:


typical F-Bod mentality.

miller let in some easy goals last night and wasnt himself at all esp in the shoot out , i really think drury after scoring that goal to tie it at 6 seconds left and stafford banking a shot in the shoot out should have taken vanek in the dressing room and beat his ass , he shot that puck soo effortless and lazy.I really dont get why ruff didnt put drury or ryan in insted of vanek.Vanek sucks lately , hes an awesome player but he has got to get his shit together, and lindy even said it him self that vanek needed to slim down and gain more endurance and shit.If miller would have been better in the shoot out like he normally is i think we could have pulled it off.

I hope Crosby enjoyed himself after that game. Those two homo announcers were blowing him the entire time. Fuck that. He is good but Jesus Christ, enough already.

^^^ which is why i hate versus


I hope Crosby enjoyed himself after that game. Those two homo announcers were blowing him the entire time. Fuck that. He is good but Jesus Christ, enough already.



yea exactly that just made crosby’s head even bigger now with those idiots sucking him off all game.


yea exactly that just made crosby’s head even bigger now with those idiots sucking him off all game.


Didn’t they know that today was steak and a blow job day? In all fairness the kid is great at teh hockey but i agree i shoulden’t have to be told about it all game.

Yeah, this was almost as bad of an announcement job as when Bruschi came back against the Bills.

hey lindy, i have a great idea.
Let’s keep playing miller every single game when we’re comfortably in the playoffs, he’s playing shitty due to fatigue, and he’s not gonna get a day off once the playoffs start unless they win a series in 4 or 5.

Great plan.


Yeah, this was almost as bad of an announcement job as when Bruschi came back against the Bills.


Those wgr skits were hilarious.

“hes in the parking lot rescuing a box of kittens from a car that was on fire”


Those wgr skits were hilarious.

“hes in the parking lot rescuing a box of kittens from a car that was on fire”


“He’s going back, oh, he got their toys”


“He’s going back, oh, he got their toys”



“He’s won the America’s Cup!” :rofl:

Counting down the days until Spacek is in, possibly tomorrow night. He said he only needed a few more. Kotalik is moving along too.

It was great to when they showed the stat about the last time Buffalo lost in Pittsburgh, oh and then they go and blow it. BBBHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA