OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

Do you not see the 1st through 7th points?!!? 7 pt difference,

4 teams with in one point of each other… and 3 teams in the 100’s with a league best 105pt nashville…

I think the best defense is the incredible play off runs by teams like…

Penguins and Ottawa, who are FUCKING HOT, then again the same can be said for the west with a 9-0-1 wild, and 7-1-2 canucks…

as much as it pains me to say this… i think the west is the strong conference, (irrational comment) I mean look they beat the East in the allstar game


Do you not see the 1st through 7th points?!!? 7 pt difference,

4 teams with in one point of each other… and 3 teams in the 100’s with a league best 105pt nashville…


yes, i see it, but what you don’t see is the lack of parity. im saying the conference as a whole is better. who the fuck wants to see a conference DOMINATED by 3-4 teams and half of the conference is out making for a completely BORING finish to the season, whereas you’ve got the east where ALL BUT TWO teams are eliminated with so many teams STILL in the hunt for a division title

besides, you think a western team is going to win the cup? highly doubtful…look how bad carolina HANDLED edmonton, and they both SUCKED lol


Reason Number 5 million and seventy three that the east is better than the west:

while the west only has one team on the outside with a chance to get in the playoffs (still trailing by 7points nonetheless), the east still has 5 teams not yet statistically eliminated, with only 9 points between 6th and 12th place, and for some teams, only 10 points between 12th and 3rd (granted b/c the southeast is the worst division ever lol)

take that jay and your stupid western conference


you do realise that the west pwnd the east all season in interconference play right? :wink:


you do realise that the west pwnd the east all season in interconference play right? :wink:


sorry, i only watched the sabres walk through those “top rated western teams”, like beating detroit and vancouver, and STOMPING all over nashville

now the REAL question is, if detroit locks down another “top in the west” seed again, how many times will that be if they get knocked out early AGAIN?

lets analyze the west: detroit will fail early b/c thats what they do. vancouver is pulling the “sabres of old” tactics and relying on luongo to be huge like he was during the season, except i’d say lets look at his playoff stats but he HAS NONE. nashville is a solid mix of a team, much like buffalo, but they are down a bunch of players and hopefully aren’t looking to limp into the playoffs. anaheim is not the team they were when they went to the cup but they are another deep team, but lacking in playoff experience so i discredit their hopes. dallas is a fucking joke, no way they get past the 1st round

IF some team from the west is going to make a case to win the cup, its going to be a lower seed, and my two choices are Minnesota and San Jose. The sharks are a complete powerhouse with guerin onboard and toskala is now healthy again, not to mention thornton has something like 30 points in his last 10 games. minnesota is a defensive powerhouse that now has ANOTHER good backup, BUT they as well as vancouver are heading into the playoffs with an UNPROVEN goalie. but those are my two picks in the west…take that to the bank :stuck_out_tongue:

the sabres beat the canucks because DANY SABOURIN was playing and even he almost stole a win minus a late late late final second goal by drury i beleive it was. (not to mention days before they had beat the sens candians and mapleleafs in their own buildings and we’re wrapping up an east coast roadtrip) ran somthing last week showing the records of interconference play, and the west had somthing like a 70 win 30 loss record… thats a pretty big margin!

oh and its ok, keep doubting vancouver :slight_smile:

edit fwiw i hate detroit so i won’t even attemp to defend them, i hope they lose early too :stuck_out_tongue:


the sabres beat the canucks because DANY SABOURIN was playing and even he almost stole a win minus a late late late final second goal by drury i beleive it was. (not to mention days before they had beat the sens candians and mapleleafs in their own buildings and we’re wrapping up an east coast roadtrip)


don’t you EVER discredit danny sabourin, that guy is a million times better than luongo lol

seriously tho, i think he did better than luongo would have against us

and go wah wah somewhere else about the “long road trip,” every team has to do it…besides, beating montreal and toronto is nothing to brag about :stuck_out_tongue: sabres don’t brag when they go on a western swing or a southern swing. i mean shit, ohnoes “we’ve got to go to the northeast and do nothing in winter” versus “hrm, what are we doing today in florida during this vacat…i mean road trip…”

Kind of interesting


don’t you EVER discredit danny sabourin, that guy is a million times better than luongo lol

seriously tho, i think he did better than luongo would have against us

and go wah wah somewhere else about the “long road trip,” every team has to do it…besides, beating montreal and toronto is nothing to brag about sabres don’t brag when they go on a western swing or a southern swing. i mean shit, ohnoes “we’ve got to go to the northeast and do nothing in winter” versus “hrm, what are we doing today in florida during this vacat…i mean road trip…”


i know everyteam has it, and even the sabres are sucking wind at the end of their long roadtrips, i was just stating a fact :slight_smile:

and they didn’t just beat those teams they pretty much blew them all out


and they didn’t just beat those teams they pretty much blew them all out


again, blowing out the leafs or canadiens is not really something to brag about :stuck_out_tongue:

2-1 win over the senators in their building is another story, but hardly a blowout biaaaaaaaa

and whats EVEN WORSE is that 7 days later, after a week vacation after their roadtrip, they lost to los angelgay at home…

but then again we lost to the blues…so there…

man you’re lucky we only play vancouver once a year and i dont have to harass you like i do to espo…

haha i just like giving you a hard time

dont make me remind you about the sabres/wild game :stuck_out_tongue:

can remind all you want, i think minnesota will make a strong playoff push

and don’t make me remind YOU about minnesota mr we only went 3-5 vs them this season…

i’m just saying, don’t discount the west, thats all :slight_smile:

ive already discounted the west…like 4 years ago lol

i still think minnesota and san jose are the only two teams well rounded enough to make a stand against the east

but we’ll see

dun dun dun

haha we shall

vancouvers 8-1-1 record against the east wasn’t good enough for ya then ? :stuck_out_tongue:


haha we shall

vancouvers 8-1-1 record against the east wasn’t good enough for ya then ? :stuck_out_tongue:


nope, b/c those two losses were to us (aka the best lol) and to boston (aka the absolute god awful worst except in shootouts)

yeah…17/20 points = pretty good against the east teams. Not an easy win for the sabres And yeah boston won, but every team has its off nights so I think jay wins that argument.

However…vancouver isn’t a great team as a bunch of skaters… Luongo is amazing and gives them a chance to win each game. Goaltending is huge in the playoffs so they should be a tough team. For the same reason I see detroit being a contender as well. Nashville could get hot, and I think the ducks might be solid enough in their own end to be a threat.


LOL, Ryan Millers bio:
Favorite Movie: Super Troopers


Kind of interesting


that was pretty impressive, since it considers all 4 major sports and hockey didnt get screwed over for the gay ass NBA for once