OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread


One other thing, Tallinder SUCKS.
I could go out there and just stand around for $1,000,000.00.


That gets my vote for most ignorant post in this thread. You even beat j_espo.


i think he mixed up 10 with 45 but I can’t count that high so im out of this convo


That gets my vote for most ignorant post in this thread. You even beat j_espo.





i think he mixed up 10 with 45 but I can’t count that high so im out of this convo


I think you mixed up the first half of the year with how Kalinen has been playing lately. It’s hard to even say it, but he’s been playing pretty good hockey since the last quarter of the season and throughout the playoffs.

It seems that all of the Defense are playing pretty solid right now…

Kalinen had a rough game, but he made up for pretty much all of it by somehow stopping what was clearly going to be a breakaway without taking a penalty.

But other than that, especially in the first half of the game, he looked bad. Everyone has off nights though, and he really stepped up his play toward the end of the regular season.

But saying anything bad about Tallinder just shows you know nothing about the Sabres, or even hockey in general. Hands down the best d-man we have.


But saying anything bad about Tallinder just shows you know nothing about the Sabres, or even hockey in general. Hands down the best d-man we have.


on Defense, on the transistion, and close to the best on offense

It did seem like towards the end of the game Hank was having some problems but he also locked in more ice time than any of our other defenders.

tallinder is awesome. if anyone deserves scrutiny for being overpayed for how they are playing right now on defense it is spacek. i wont be the one to scrutinize, but thats what i think

goal or not, we outplayed them and had wayyyy more chances than the scored reflected. i like it, i think it is a sign we are playing smart, cool, and conservative. last thing we need is injuries like last year.


550 keeps saying that it was a goal. Some new angle that they didnt see last night. Screw the Islanders


it was, i was there. i saw it.:snky:


it was, i was there. i saw it.:snky:


well then i guess it’s a good thing we won by 2. That lays to rest any controversy

roy needs to NOT be on the PK, his poor positioning on it have cost us a goal in each of the last two games…the isles 2nd goal in both games actually. he is out there for a speed breakaway in case he catches them napping, but he drops out of position so often that they almost expect it…and benefit from it

oh well…if anyone, i’d say tep tep is playing the shittiest of the six…and spa-CHUCK is right behind him…stuuuuupid penalties last night right after each other. did blake even return? he got his head bashed in good :mamoru:

So, has anyone found the FSN NY feed they keep talking about? I’d really like to see the goal to decide for myself.

i actually thought tallinder stepped it up big time… and kalinen wasn’t playing that well at all. nummi and spacek seemed ok though… but then again sean prolly caught more in person than could be seen on tv.

our PK looked bad, wtf was going on after doing so well in the first few games?

Holy shit this is pretty funny. I was checking out the Islanders site to see if they were still crying and I found this from the second last game of the year when Buffalo played there. Looks like one of the players may have done something inappropriate. Razor???

Tuesday, April 10, 9:50 pm: Ice Girls Rule, Series No. 4 vs. the Sabres
The NHL today re-enforced to its teams the importance of smooth ice-clearing procedures during the TV timeouts. One couldn’t help but wonder if this was a result of last Tuesday’s Islanders-Rangers game at the Coliseum when things didn’t go so, uh, smoothly.

The NHL reiterated the following:

  • Ice crews must proceed directly to the areas they are responsible for clearing. In other words, no double-axels on the way to Ryan Miller’s goal

  • Ice crew members should not communicate with players and fans

  • There should be no direct or indirect physical contact between players and crew members

  • Players are not to leave the bench are during the timeout

  • Goaltenders MUST vacate the crease and skaters MUST leave room at the bench areas for the snow to be cleared

  • On-Ice Officials will enforce the mandates and teams are subject to discipline if they break the rules.

Oh ya, since I am there, they look better on MSG when you can barely see them


Oh ya, since I am there, they look better on MSG when you can barely see them


i’ll take jennifer, she looks much bette if you click on her.


i’ll take jennifer, she looks much bette if you click on her.


That’s pretty funny, I clicked on one girl and it was her. Not bad


That’s pretty funny, I clicked on one girl and it was her. Not bad


except the fact that she believes cell phones were invented within the past 10 years. :bloated:


except the fact that she believes cell phones were invented within the past 10 years. :bloated:


Chanel - Best technological invention of the past ten years? And why? The advancement of the cell phone, because I would be lost without it

Alexis - Best technological invention of the past ten years? And why? The improvement of cell phones

Kelli - Best technological invention of the past ten years? And why? Cell phones, what would I do without it
