OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

they all think that cell phones were invented in the past 10 years because 10 years ago they were playing with dolls that had fake cell phones. they have never seen anyone with a og cell…these girls grew up with star tacs etc. but damn they are hot (most of them)

Well what I understand of it was…The ref got on the phone and told TO that he saw miller had possesion of the puck, then he was pushed back in. There for by the rules it cannot be reviewed by video, and since it was called no goal on the ice it stood. So no matter how good the camera view is there could not be any video review.


I’d still love to see this video everyone is talking about. WGR really sucks that they talk about it all day long, but don’t put a link to it on their site. And of course ESPN and NHL are trying to bury this like all the bad calls, so they don’t have the video linked either.

“After I got hit, I tried wiggling my fingers and then I rolled onto my knees,” said Blake. “At first, I thought I broke my back. It was a terrible hit, and I could have seriously been injured.”

:eyebrow: Really? Broke your back, huh?

And the Oscar goes to…

You’re not kidding.

Here’s some better stuff:


The team’s professional approach to last night doesn’t necessarily mean we’re willing to let go!

Remember the thunderous, appropriate outrage throughout Buffalo – conducted by the local media like virtuosos – in the wake of Brett Hull’s in-the-crease OT goal that may have cost the Sabres a Cup? Well, here’s the description by the Buffalo News of last night’s controversial play:

“Nassau Coliseum erupted when it appeared the Islanders had scored after a long stalemate that lasted nearly two full periods. Former Sabres winger Miroslav Satan plunged head-first into a crease pileup, and defenseman Brendan Witt went feet first to bowl over Sabres goalie Ryan Miller. The puck slid over the line, but referee Mike Leggo waved it off.”

That’s just vintage stuff right there.

question who in the bleep cares what the hell IQ those ladies have i will like them all…But if wishes where horses then beggers would ride or in the case that this is it would be drive a really fast car!

At first i was like oooh that was a tough hit then after the replays he CLEARLY threw himself into the boards. I can’t believe that hasn’t been drawn any attention. The only reason i hate Briere is cause that pussy diving shit and this guy takes it to a monumental level.

well not only did he kinda of toss himself into the board he pushed himself out towards spacek to created more contact

Sabres know the taste of sour grapes
Bob DiCesare
Updated: 04/20/07 7:05 AM

SAVE EMAIL PRINT POPULAR + Larger Font + Smaller Font You don’t get in the food-stamp line and complain about the dent in your Lexus. You don’t knock on the doors of the City Mission to find a light for your Cuban cigar. And you don’t get into a playoff series with the Buffalo Sabres — with any Buffalo team, for that matter — and start ranting about how you just can’t get a fair shake.

Pull up a chair, Teddy Nolan, because our tales of woe are top shelf, where mama hides the cookies.

If you’re angling for sympathy, Ted, you’ve not only come to the wrong place, you’ve come to the worst place. Buffalo is, by decree of a Sports Illustrated headline, the losingest city in sports. I’m not sure if losingest is really a word, but if it is, we’re its rightful owners, although, truth be told, we’re forever hopeful of relinquishing possession.

Fans on the Island lament that it seems like eternity since they last won a Cup, that string of four in the early ’80s amounting to ages ago. Must be nice to have a point of reference. Here in Buffalo, we’ve never forgotten the taste of champagne because we’ve never sipped it. Our plight has, indeed, been eternal in that it dates to the birth of the franchise. And the (blues) band plays on.

Don’t be telling us Thomas Vanek’s goal in Game Three shouldn’t have counted, or that a replay discovered on YouTube confirms Brendan Witt was denied the tying goal late in Game Four. What? You didn’t get the league’s midseason memo addressing such matters? Stop implying there’s a conspiracy at work to ensure the Sabres advance and your Isles go home. Because even if that were somehow true, we don’t care. Been there, bemoaned that.

Teddy, old pal, you’re grousing about a 15-minute oil change taking 16 minutes to a city that’s had its tires slashed. You want to talk controversial goals? Try Game Six of the 1999 Stanley Cup finals. Third overtime. Brett Hull’s skate in the crease when the decider is scored. The Cup being presented to the Stars while replays show the goal was tainted. The NHL citing a memo allegedly released during the season claiming such goals would be construed as legit. Yeah, we’ll get over it . . . in three generations.

Buffalo suffered the ultimate hockey wound, took a dagger to its psyche, and here you are carrying on about muddled and piddling first-round stuff. I asked Ruff on Thursday whether when he hears you rail on he thinks, “Man, you have no idea.”

He smiled. “I said the other day,” Ruff recalled, “ ‘My, how times have changed.’ ”

Now you’d have thought that given what happened in ’99, Buffalo would be in for a decade worth of make-up calls. So what goes down the very next season, against Philadelphia? The Flyers’ John LeClair puts one home through the side of the net and Philly wins by a goal en route to taking the series. Right through the side of the net. Plain as plain can be. And here you are, arguing about a complex convergence of time and space in which the referee’s whistle and the (illegal) jostling of goaltender Ryan Miller stripped the moment of definitive clarity.

Thing is, there is thought that all this grousing might be buying you some leniency, that maybe you’re being thrown a pacifier to stem your incessant crying.

“You know, you can look at it, we only got three calls last night when it came to penalties,” Ruff noted. “I think part of the complaining maybe had a little bit of an effect because I thought there were situations we could have got more calls.”

Deal with it, Ted. You see mirages, we see Tom Poti and Marc-Andre Bergeron fumbling away the chance you had left on Jason Pominville’s late goal.

Unjust? Unfair? Go chew nails. We know what those taste like. Might want to go heavy on the ketchup.


nice read

another good artice where a guy picks buffalo to win it all

Good stuff.

nice read :tup:

I got douche chills lol

i wanna take a sign to the game that says:

“No Goal? Been there.”


“Buffalo Fans don’t throw their beer”

Your sign should say “Fuck the Crylanders”

are they doing the outside thing again tonight by hsbc? perfect weather to be outside and drinking beers