OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread


am i gonna get beat up for saying



Nah, if it’s your team who cares. I think it’s going to be another good close series, but I’m still saying Sabres in 5. NYR’s sweep of Atlanta did not impress me that much.


Nah, if it’s your team, unless it is Toronto, who cares.


fixed for ya

^^^ :roll: :2fingers:


am i gonna get beat up for saying



you’re not espo, so you’re good to go :tup:


Rangers’ Avery embraces the role of Sabre-rattler
Updated: 04/24/07 9:34 AM

Sean Avery hates Daniel Briere. He hates Chris Drury, too.


well what a ko-inky-dink
me too. +1 :headbang: :smiley:


well what a ko-inky-dink
me too. +1 :headbang: :smiley:


Yeah, but you should know by now, no one cares what Leaf’s fans think. In fact, there is a lot of evidence that they don’t “think” at all, they just flip coins to make all their decisions.

Question: “What should we do in the off season”
Answer A: “Rebuild to play in the new NHL”
Answer B: “Continue building our team around dinosaurs”

Flip coin…
B it is.


Yeah, but you should know by now, no one cares what Leaf’s fans think. In fact, there is a lot of evidence that they don’t “think” at all, they just flip coins to make all their decisions.

Question: “What should we do in the off season”
Answer A: “Rebuild to play in the new NHL”
Answer B: “Continue building our team around dinosaurs”

Flip coin…
B it is.


:blah: :blah: :blah: :rolljerk:

^ Hurts when it’s true huh?


Sorry, hurts when it’s true eh?


Sorry, hurts when it’s true eh?


fucking ell oh ell


^ Hurts when it’s true huh?


Sorry, hurts when it’s true eh?


:rofl: :tup:

isnt avery with elisha cuthbert right now? he gets my :tup:

but we should put kaleta in there for a game to light him up

Yeah but avery can play too, no use lowering our team to goon it up.

If the Sabres play their game and ignore Avery, they will be on the PP a lot.

I’m hoping someone lowers the boom on him early so we can stop hearing about the almight Avery.

Well since our PP sucks I don’t htink that matters much.

i dont think the sabres will give in to fighting or retaliation…well, briere might pokey poke who knows


Well since our PP sucks I don’t htink that matters much.


Their PP was 6th in scoring in the first round. I wouldn’t say that sucks.

Here’s what we get to look forward to with Avery


[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:4597,topic:25170"”]

Here’s what we get to look forward to with Avery



The music made that clip… :rofl:

That dive…that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen…

you guys can hate on Avery all you want, but hes my dude. i love the real scrappy players. not to mention, the rangers have been on fire since we picked him up :headbang: