OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread


Briere gets punched in the teeth, no call, ends up in box 45 sec later.


Has Avery hit anyone this series yet?

I see him laying on the ice most of the game and Zubrus skating away from him.

6 down, 10 to go
man zubrus was a great pickup, his physical presence is so impressive out there, not to mention he can score


Has Avery hit anyone this series yet?

I see him laying on the ice most of the game and Zubrus skating away from him.



more of the whining ranger fans, saying ruff is classless for going after that tards knee.

Very inconsistant calls by the refs.

Seeing Avery get away with a clear-cut late hit in the first period was #1.

Then in the 3rd, seeing Kalinen get leveled with a cross-check, and no call, Briere gets called for cross-checking when I never even saw a cross-check happen.

Oh, and Maxim will be sitting the next game I bet. He sat the whole 3rd period pretty much.

Paille in game 3?


Oh, and Maxim will be sitting the next game I bet. He sat the whole 3rd period pretty much.

Paille in game 3?


i wanna see peters :slight_smile:


I love reading the retarded-ness of some people.

All the hits on Rosivel that have sent him off the ice have been clean upper body checks.

Teach your player to avoid the hit next time.


i wanna see peters :slight_smile:


i don’t, he’ll be the one that avery finally goads into dumb penalties.
max will be playing next game.

I’m obviously pleased we won, but I thought we’d leave this win the game by playing for 20 min thing in the past by now.


I’m obviously pleased we won, but I thought we’d leave this win the game by playing for 20 min thing in the past by now.




i had the pleasure to attend this game tonight…hey, a free pair of tix, cant pass that up…awesome game. i too wish they would play a full 60 mins…but, a win is a win.

max took it hard to the boards right in front of us…his ice time went way down after that…hope hes ok!

lindy said in the post game news conference he thinks max is having trouble finding his game

Max always dissappears comes post season. I think he gets too nervous about give aways or something.

Every year, he struggles in the playoffs. I’d like to see him sit next game. Nothing against max as I like his play, but we need players in whoa re going to be contributing.





I don’t think I was that confusing.

I thought that by this point in the playoffs, we’d stop winning games by playing for 20 min.

Ahhhh, punctuation is your friend.

I read it about 6 times before and was like, WTF is he saying?

max always does bomb out in the playoffs :frowning:

thankfully, we have the HOCKEY GOD chris drury and vanek showing the fuck up for these playoffs

as much as i DO NOT want to say it, if goose is healthy and ready to go, it might be time to drop max out of the lineup for a couple games and insert goose into that connolly mair line now that stafford is back with vanek and roy where he belongs…

Just got back in - holy shit, that was fun. Almost felt kinda bad for the shit-talking Ranger fans next to us.

Ha. Almost.

That save that Miller made while prone fucking pwned. Amazing how this team can just pull shit out of it’s anus in 20 mins. and still win playoff games. Just a whole lotta wow going on up in heah.