OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

yay for Lindy getting a gross misconduct penalty. $200 fine and possibly more after a league review. The refs definetly put the whistles away tonight.

It was funny as Itagaki and I were watching the game how many times avery went flying across the screen trying to regain his balance after getting bumped and leveled all night long. I havent heard him talk since the puck drop. I have however been a witness to the total D-bag attitude he brings to the game. If that is how he plans to stay in the league and be regarded as a talent he has a long way to go because in the regular season any tough guy would have just about dismantled his facial features by now.


yay for Lindy getting a gross misconduct penalty. $200 fine and possibly more after a league review. The refs definetly put the whistles away tonight.


Like the fines will really matter… the people of Buffalo will raise the money again to cover Ruff.

General thoughts:
-Sean Avery is a joke.
-The refs need to remove their heads from eachother’s asses.
-Buffalo needs to remember that they can only score when they shoot the puck.

1st period wasn’t great. Second period got better. They finally showed up in the third. More reason why Ruff is such a good coach, he’s not affraid to move players around and screw around with lines during the game.

what did lindy get fined for? i was at work listening to the game on and off

His tyraid on the refs after the game was over on the bench. He was screaming and throwing stuff.

I love his passion.


what did lindy get fined for? i was at work listening to the game on and off


He got fined for calling out the refs for a pathetic excuse for officiating. Sure, we won, but aye, so much inconsistancy in the penalty-calling. On both sides too.


He got fined for calling out the refs for a pathetic excuse for officiating. Sure, we won, but aye, so much inconsistancy in the penalty-calling. On both sides too.


but still we won…


but still we won…


Completely besides the point.

Horrible officiating cannot be accepted, no matter the outcome of the game.


His tyraid on the refs after the game was over on the bench. He was screaming and throwing stuff.

I love his passion.


lol lindy is awesome

can anyone find some of those hits?I want to see the hit on Jagr again.

8 min of highlights. At 2:40 is the Jagr hit

Game 3 coming up.

My prediction: Sabres 4, Ranger 2.
And Rosival leaves the game when we re-injure his leg.
And Jagr finally breaks down in tears. :slight_smile:

is this ish streaming anywhere online?

officiating has been terrible throughout the playoffs.

but nice save on avery by miller just now.

Hey guys.

guess who wants to kick these announcers in their faces?


yaa i got the radio on… i cant stand them dissing the sabres and not commintating


edit: uh oh controversy…doesn’t look like a kick but does look like it was definitely off the skate

double edit: wow buffalo lucked out on that call

well, i never thought id say this but id prefer versus comentating today. You would think that god himself picked the rangers roster the way the comentators are talking. Is it just me??? lol

anyone else think brett hull is a douche bag?

nbc studios are practically around the block from the game. theyre trying to make NY’ers happy.


haha hull and ferraro arguing>*

and the fact that they were arguing about legitimate goals haha even better./irony

I swear god if they show that non goal again i’m gonna flip.

How retarded are they? His stick isnt even on the ground which means he didn’t even make an effort to shoot it, just a bounce off his skate. End of story.

Oh. Hey Sean Avery, here is a secret about hockey. Don’t play like a douche bag and get cheap hits and you wont get penalties.