OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

Gaustad may be back for game 5. Paille is just about ready to go as well. :slight_smile:

i didnt get to see the OT periods, how bad really was it on the ice? i couldnt find any vids, i thnk NHL prolly has some on youtube but all is blocked at work, any pix out there?

You could see how watery the surface was based off how reflective it looked on camera.

i was thinking the same thing…5 to 1 Buffalo tonight…

And am i the first person to mention the worst commentating ever on VS?

They were obviously Ranger fans…everything they said was pro Ranger…when we made a great play or a great move…and didn’t score, it was an amazing defensive play by the Rangers…whenever they did anything remotely close to good…they were Gods…when they did something extremely good, and we did something better to counter it…we got lucky, or it should have been a penalty on us…

I seriously didn’t enjoy watching the game one bit on Sunday…it was miserable…i was so pissed off at the ignorance of the guys commentating the game that i missed half of it…and i can’t turn on the AM radio while i watch the TV because there’s a delay…

A. Sunday’s game was NBC. The VS crew is no R&J, but they’re better than the NBC guys.

B. Anyone see that Gaustad could be back on Friday?

C. And Paille is dressed for warmups tonight, but no word on who’s getting the boot.

D. Lindy is a finalist for the Jack Adams trophy again this year.

Can I just leave work now and have them start the game at 2pm?

A- Truth.

B- Goose could add a physical element which would be quite nice.

C- I still say Max is out. He is the only one who needs to stepup bigtime. I’d like some more productivity out of Pominville though. But there is noone else that stands out bigtime aside from max.

D- Lindy rules.

E- I’m with you. is it 5pm/7pm yet?

With all the line shifting, player benching, and gameplan changing (he says they’re going to become a dump and crash team tonight) Lindy is either going to be the hero, or the bum after tonight’s game.

I’m hoping his talk about becoming a big grinding team is just more Lindy mind games. I don’t think it’s a good plan to try changing your core strategy, that you’ve used all year, in the middle of the playoffs. But then again, I’ve never won a Jack Adams trophy. :slight_smile:

Eh, teh Rangers are playing a trap style defense. They aren’t pushing 3 forwards into the Buffalo zone, so we can’t get the break-out and take the offensive zone the same way. They always have 3 people back to clog the neutral zone and stand at the line.

If Buffalo is going to go all the way, they need to show that they can adapt and play any style that is required to win, and to beat the defensive style the Rangers are showing, they need to start generating a forecheck.

Gaustad is a definite for Friday barring any setbacks in his workouts according to Paul Hamilton


Possibly :snky: No, not really.

Maybe it was just my the but person singing the national anthem made me laugh, he was terrible. Im not saying I would do better but I had a good laugh


i’m not sure whats worse, the NBC announcers that are semi-exciting, but completely biased, or the versus announcers that are more fair, but call everything in a monotone

I was thinking that earlier. They are both terrible.

Not sure how to feel about this game yet.

commentating blows. I was excited for a minute…on my DVR guide, the game is listed as being aired on MSG…but put the channel on, and its some other crap.

I almost got pissed, when conolly went to the net with amazing puck handling and they said “see how he is staring at the puck? that is why hes prone to concussions”

wtf?? Nothing said about how he skated around 4 players, passed the puck to himself between his legs and got the SOG…UGH

2nd period is where they will start to find their game.

Well, there’s one of those ugly goals Lindy was looking for. Too bad it was for the Rangers.

And that is why Conolly has had concussion problems. Great move, but you won’t last long in this league not keeping your head up.

Especially when your head is at the same height level as the average NHL player’s lowered shoulder…

This is retarded, buffalo has had its second powerplay on which was good for 0 shots on net

They better make something of this double power play/brief 5 on 3. They’ve scored 1 goal in their last 7 periods, and these guys aren’t that good, other than the goalie. They averaged just short of 4 goals a game this year. Terrible.