OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

friggin crossbar

well, put me in the prediction penalty box with JayS…LOL

fuck. Is it just me, or does it seem like its 10 on 5 all the time…its almost as if they grab some random people off the street, slapped skates and sabres jerseys on and told them to play…they are making a LOT of bad decisions/passes.

If i was lindy id punch them all in the face until they woke up and realized how shitty they r playing


If i was lindy id punch them all in the face until they woke up and realized how shitty they r playing


x2, and what the hell is up with these homo announcers favoring the rangers. and please get off jagrs nuts…


and that is all.

they’re playing real tenative and it’s pissing me off. Just play hard, its what got you here…idiots!

lol. thats what my brother just said.

ok im sick of watching.

I don’t get how the game is THAT much slower in New York than it was in Buffalo, this shit sucks.

EDIT: typing this naturally causes 2 goals in a minute. Now that they got on the board maybe they’ll get off the fucking schneid.




Edit: OK, 2 more… thanks Kotalik

here they come boys and girls…

ok now all i can say is ha.

yup fu rangers fans, i bet that shut you up

Looks like the Sabres just got to NYC. Only took 2.5 periods.

yeah but the shitty part is times almost up

what the fuck

what the fuck is right

Not liking this…

Avery can’t hit the broad side of a barn

if we lose this, i have a bad feeling