OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

gotta agree. even if we managed to tie it up and won in overtime, we sure as shit wouldn’t deserve it

Meh what can you expect. speedy passing team on bad ice = find a different way to win.

make-up call. Especially given that the other team is New York.

this team is so talented, but so enigmatic.

The real losers in this shit are the sabres fans. Even if they get through this series, now all we’re going to see from here on out from everyone is this slow/boring/trap/clear/ice the puck bullshit that puts me to sleep.

ir was in >_< I do agree they played poorly tonight till the end. They attacked so much harder and stronger in the end. Were they goin for more defense this game? I dont have any skill in hockey, i don’t play it, just follow but from what i saw, they sucked it up tonight till the last 10 min. I still have faith tho, and they are commin back home too for the next battle.

They played on terrible ice throughout the entire playoffs last year. That’s no excuse.

The Rags just played their own game tonight and won.

if it’s bad ice, its going to effect both teams. Even if the Sabres are speedy passers. They just didn’t synch up.

2 more games to go :slight_smile:

Me: the sabres plyed like absolute horse shit the past 2 games
Me: they are sloppy, they aren’t shooting, they aren’t being physical
Me: they deserve to lose
Brit: I just think they weren’t expecting the rangers to come out as strong as they did


This is the kind of shit the Sabres need as a wake up call though. Hopefully it lights a fire underneath their asses.

They didnt deserve to win

They deserved a chance to go to OT

Bettman on his cell phone during the review…I would put $ on it.

sabres rely on speed alot more then the rangers. the puck was bouncing off both the sabres and rangers sticks . i mean i laughed when tallinder tried to lift the puck out of our zone and it came to a dead stop. its the rangers home ice. their used to playing on it. Sabres still played shitty. Lindy talked all about playing ugly and whatnot. i think our 2nd game was alot more physical then this one.

they out played us all game.

They deserved the win but that puck was fucking in!

we deserved a trip to OT

If I ever hear the Sabres comment after a game that they lost because the ice was bad, I’ll start rooting for Toronto.

I thought game 3 was bad. Come on down Paul Gaustad, something’s gotta spark…

Echo Echooooooooooooooo


all i got to say is the puck was in the net T O fucked up that is all…and if you don’t agree:2fingers: and this was what the ref was doing on the play.:cjerk:

Sweet. I hope that really is all you have to say.

Do me the favor.

the ref has nothing to do with the call if its a goal or not. toronto makes the decision on every goal review in the NHL.

hey man we got out played but that puck was in there sorry pass i am just a little pissed!!!

BULLLSHIT, that was a fucking goal… it clearly crossed the line when back into the cup of his goal pads… fuck toronto…


sry for language

What happened to all the other camera angles that are usually shown? Blame VS, MSG woulda had like 8 different angles showing that it was a goal.