OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

im sorry i got the offical in volved i was just FUCKING angry!

First off, SHUT THE FUCK ABOUT ABOUT THE NHL BEING OUT TO GET US. It’s been clear this year, and especially this post season, that it hasn’t been the case. You make us all look like a bunch of retards when you start crying that after any loss.

The rule states a replay has to be conclusive to overturn the ruling on the ice.

Until someone can show me a video with x-ray that can see through his pad and see the puck across the line, it’s not a goal. End of story. Do I think it went in, yes. Can I prove it went in with the camera angle they kept showing us, no fucking way. We got boned by the fact that it happened on the right side of the goal, which is away from all the TV cameras.

Second, Ruff’s big move of benching Max in favor of Paille bit him in the ass big time. Paille did absolutely jack shit the entire game, and Max was playing much better in game 3.

I’m not going to panic, as was said before the same thing happened in the Philly series last year. Series tied 2-2 after 4, and we came out with the win. We better see Max back on the ice Friday though.


What happened to all the other camera angles that are usually shown? Blame VS, MSG woulda had like 8 different angles showing that it was a goal.


those will be showing up tomorrow when they admit it was a goal.


First off, SHUT THE FUCK ABOUT ABOUT THE NHL BEING OUT TO GET US. It’s been clear this year, and especially this post season, that it hasn’t been the case. You make us all look like a bunch of retards when you start crying that after any loss.

The rule states a replay has to be conclusive to overturn the ruling on the ice.

Until someone can show me a video with x-ray that can see through his pad and see the puck across the line, it’s not a goal. End of story. Do I think it went in, yes. Can I prove it went in with the camera angle they kept showing us, no fucking way. We got boned by the fact that it happened on the right side of the goal, which is away from all the TV cameras.


Well Jesus Christ, JayS and I can finally agree on something.

There needs to be a special rule in this thread that you’re not allowed to post unless you’ve been posting here all season. All the bandwagoners come out of the woodwork during the playoffs and try to impart their hockey “knowledge”.

I call a mother fucking GOAL!!! that was bullshit… as far as i’m concerened this WILL be settled when they come here… I say we all go to HSBC and watch the game outside… AND GOD HELP ANY RANGERS FANS THAT WALK OUTSIDE TALKING SHIT…Forever hold their peace


Second, Ruff’s big move of benching Max in favor of Paille bit him in the ass big time. Paille did absolutely jack shit the entire game, and Max was playing much better in game 3.




[quote=“2 15 daytona sp,post:4946,topic:25170"”]

I call a mother fucking GOAL!!! that was bullshit… as far as i’m concerened this WILL be settled when they come here… I say we all go to HSBC and watch the game outside… AND GOD HELP ANY RANGERS FANS THAT WALK OUTSIDE TALKING SHIT…Forever hold their peace


Because it’s the fans fault that that wasn’t called a goal :bloated:.

I vote this for the dumbest post ever.

i think there needs to be a common sense rule in place for a call like that… yes, you can’t “see” it in that camera angle, but its pretty damn obvious that it crossed the line

No, because you don’t want the reviewer having to use his best judgement to guess where an invisible puck went. The rule stating it has to be conclusive is best way to do it.

JayS i don’t think that nhl is out to get buffalo but it was clear that the puck was all the way over the line!!! i saw a little white between the puck and the goal line. sure we plaied like shit but i think buffalo just got screwed.

Tell me how it was “clear” the puck was completely over the line when you can’t see it?

Fans like you make Buffalo look like a bunch of cry babies. I can guarantee if the roles were reversed you’d be 100% sure it WASN’T a goal.


No, because you don’t want the reviewer having to use his best judgement to guess where an invisible puck went. The rule stating it has to be conclusive is best way to do it.


i agree, i’m just saying, this system still has its flaws too… its just frustrating when everyone and their mom knows it went in, but its inconclusive with the angle they have to look at it so its no goal

nope i would damn it and move on

How about instead of all of you crying about it not counting, you start complaining about how Buffalo has only scored 2 goals in the past 2 playoff games.

Yes, it’s frustrating. But think about how much worse it would make the replay system if have officials being allowed to guess what happened.

I’ll say it again, for all the whiners. I can GUARANTEE if it was 2-1 Buffalo and the Rangers had made the same play, but the review went in their favor, you’d be whining that the replay wasn’t consclusive and shouldn’t be a goal.

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:4955,topic:25170"”]

How about instead of all of you crying about it not counting, you start complaining about how Buffalo has only scored 2 goals in the past 2 playoff games.


+1. We should never have been in that situation. And to make matters worse, the ice looked ok tonight. So don’t expect returning to great ice at home to make a huge difference.

Hey McAss… What do you think about the decision to bench Max, and do you bring him back Friday?

it was a joke, i know they aren’t going to do that :wink:

and no, if it was 2-1 for buffalo i’d of said it was a goal, because a goal is a goal! vancouver is my team so i’m not biased :stuck_out_tongue:

Meh im not a fan for changing the nhl rules. especially with the most recent ones in the media

ex1) players should be allowed to kick the puck in

ex2) overtime should goto 4 on 4 or even a shoot out

wtf is that crap?

As far as the goal - the ref never waved it as a goal, the video was not conclusive so even though it should have been a goal, its not. Im fine with that because 1) we got our breaks with the NYI no-goal as well as the NYR no-goal on Sunday 2) We didnt deserve it. Sabres need to stop thinking they only need to play 10 mins of a hockey game to win.


because a goal is a goal! vancouver is my team so i’m not biased :stuck_out_tongue:



we just got boned



Another example of why you shouldn’t refer to your team as “We”. You could’ve gotten away with that one if you had said Buffalo got boned. I’m just sayin’.



Hey McAss… What do you think about the decision to bench Max, and do you bring him back Friday?


I’m not for that decision at all. Wgr’s pre-game pointed out that Max feels like he’s been playing fine. So benching a guy who thinks he’s not doing anything wrong at all isn’t a very wise decision. Oh well. But if Gaustad comes back friday, I think someone else has to be benched. Bring in Gaustad and bench Paille with Max if that’s the case.