OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread


No especially the way Ottawa is looking.


well put. and they are not playing good. they look like a bunch of sally’s, no one has stepped it up (IMO).

it is over. stick a fork in them. turn the lights out at HSBC, and lets talk about this team for the next 100 years…maybe by then the hell will freeze over and the bills and sabers make it to the “big” game and win. (BTW if hell freezes over i will be busy going out on dates/ with all the ladies that rejected me…)

If they were just a bad team it would be one thing but, it is REALLY frustrating watching such a great team play like crap.


If they were just a bad team it would be one thing but, it is REALLY frustrating watching such a great team play like crap.


That’s what is bothering me the most.

which player is going to stick around and be WEST HERR new sales man. Miller?


who said anything bout ottawa

still gotta win 2 against ny



The thing that really bothers me about the goal review lastnight…Why is it that NO OTHER view was shown?

i agree with the statement that sitting afinogenov was a huge mistake. it’s nowhere near as comparable to how bad vanek was playing last year when he was getting every other night off.

taking an explosive offensive threat and replacing him with a youngin just doesn’t go over well with me. people say max isn’t producing, okay, the guy has 4 pts compared to drury/briere’s 7. in one game he could make up most or all of that. he’s been sloppy with the puck JUST ABOUT as much as the entire rest of the team.

this move by lindy astounded me. i realize he’s trying to send a message but it DIDNT WORK since the rest of the team still played terrible for about 50 out of the 60 minute game. if i was max, i’d be pissed since he’s obviously trying, just not getting the bounces. as any NHL Player will say, hockey is unpredictable and things can go either way.

that being said, it did look like the briere wrap was a goal, but yeah we couldn’t tell definitively. we still could have lost the game though, so it really doesn’t matter. it’s down to a best of 3 series, so now we will see what team wants it more. it’s funny, if the sabres played the whole game last night like they did for the final 5 minutes, it would have been 5-1 our win…

and the kotalik goal… lol… b/c he definitely fanned on the shot completely, and the “change up” (as the announcers called it) snuck past henrik going the opposite way that he was moving. he might have made the save if kotalik got full wood on it…


The thing that really bothers me about the goal review lastnight…Why is it that NO OTHER view was shown?


Well, for one that majority of your TV cameras are on the left side of the rink, so all of them would have no view.

If they had the in goal cam in action it wouldn’t have shown anything.

I’d like to know what the reverse angle cameraman was doing though. You know, the camera they go to after a goal, it’s usually positioned about the blue line to show how the play breaks into the zone from the opposite side. I think that camera would have had the best chance of seeing the puck under the pad, but apparently they were looking somewhere else.


Yes it was a goal, we all know that.

The problem comes in the fact that the video review gave no clear evidence of said goal


Agree to disagree…

It wasn’t clearly seen in the video that the puck itself was over the line, but the puck was under the pad, which crossed the line…

Just because you can not physically see the puck itself in NO WAY means it’s inconclusive…if the puck is under the pad, and the pad is over the line, one can easily conclude that the puck is across the line as well…but since you can’t see the puck itself, no goal…fucking stupid call…

5000th post:jawdrop:

Maybe the Sabres need to feel their getting screwed by the league to play well. If that’s the case I take back everything I’ve said about it being the right call.

Fuck Bettman, and Toronto, and the NHL. Fucking ref’s keeping us down. Now go out and show them it doesn’t matter how much their against us, we’re winning game 5.

I think they only have ~2 maybe 3 games left of winning this year… If that.


it is over. stick a fork in them. turn the lights out at HSBC, and lets talk about this team for the next 100 years…maybe by then the hell will freeze over and the bills and sabers make it to the “big” game and win. (BTW if hell freezes over i will be busy going out on dates/ with all the ladies that rejected me…)


Are you kidding me? You sound worse than my friends that are Philadelphia Eagles fans. Great, they tied up the series but in no way are the Sabres done.

BTW when your going to make an stupid statement like this at least spell the teams name right.

That was def. a goal!


Are you kidding me? You sound worse than my friends that are Philadelphia Eagles fans. Great, they tied up the series but in no way are the Sabres done.

BTW when your going to make an stupid statement like this at least spell the teams name right.


You are right I MISSED SPELLED Sabres, but that is because i was typing tooo fast. but thank you for pointing out my flaw… enough said about my typing. the sabres are not done, BUT they have not been earning $$.

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:4959,topic:25170"”]

Another example of why you shouldn’t refer to your team as “We”. You could’ve gotten away with that one if you had said Buffalo got boned. I’m just sayin’.



well i do live in buffalo… so “we” as a city, yes ? lol take it as you will :stuck_out_tongue:

This thread is hard to keep up with now that the Sabres are postseason.

I already got the doom and gloom people at work - “That’s it, can’t believe they blew it.”

Are you kidding me? The series is tied 2-2 and it’s “all over?”

cough a lot of bandwagon people are jumping ship