OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread


cough a lot of bandwagon people are jumping ship





Great pic, where was that last night. Fucking idiots. I do think that they should have put some more away earlier so they didnt have to count on a review

official explanation of the video review from Bob Hall, supervisor of officials for this series:

“We review all the angles that are provided to us. We communicate with the on-ice officials and with the war room in Toronto. What we’re looking for is to either confirm the call on the ice or have a conclusive picture of the puck in the net – it’s what we’re looking for because the on-ice ruling was no goal. They hadn’t seen the puck in the net. It has to be definitive. We looked and looked and looked. No replay that we have seen shows it definitely crossing the goal line. No common sense or circumstantial evidence is used – you have to see the puck across the goal line. We have to see it in the goal.”

oh and that pic above ^ doesn’t show anything conclusive.

the pic was prob developed after the game ended or this morning… i dont think they ahve darkrooms or computers processing every digital image taken during the 5 min review.

um ok, can someone delete 3 of my 4 posts. my computer just had a heart attack

that pic above doesn’t prove it was a goal. does anyone have a pic of the t-vanek wrap goal from a few games ago… that we really couldn’t see, but they ruled it a goal? i can’t remember how conclusive that one was exactly.

the series is just down to a best of 3, we have home ice (slightly better than MSG ice)… it’s safe to say whoever wins on friday should win the series. IMO ruff needs to use an alternating PP, 1st try briere/drury/zubrus/campbell/spacek (where has spacek been on the PP??? isnt that why we got him, for the offense?), then on the next attempt try afinogenov/roy/vanek/any D/connelly or kotalik.

gotta play desperate hockey every period.


that pic above doesn’t prove it was a goal. does anyone have a pic of the t-vanek wrap goal from a few games ago… that we really couldn’t see, but they ruled it a goal? i can’t remember how conclusive that one was exactly.


That would be the goal that Briere said, on TV last night, should not have been called a goal. I’d say we are even know on close calls.

I don’t think you can compare this to the Vanek goal. That goal you had multiple camera angles, and when you looked at them all it was conclusive it was a goal.

The only one I think the replay system got wrong was the Islanders goal where they ruled Miller was pushed in after he covered up the puck. The next day the video came out showing the puck clearly was loose between his legs, then was shot in, then Miller was pushed in. But even there the replay review judges didn’t have that angle when they were reviewing. But clearly, that was the wrong call.

And who knows, maybe at some point today video will surface showing the Briere shot did cross he goal line. But based on the video they had at the time of the review, it’s not conclusive. Anyone trying to argue otherwise should go cry in their beer with Ted Nolan.

im pretty sure on the vanek goal, you couldnt see the whole puck or where the line was exactly, so not sure how it could be ruled a goal.

on briere’s, for a split millisecond, the puck is BARELY touching the goal line, then in the next frame it MUST be past the line, but it is under (shielded by) lundquist’s pad. of course you have to take into the account the ANGLE of the camera from behind the net. when it looks like the puck is BARELY still touching the goal line, if you were looking straight down, it would most likely be past the line. the more of an angle you get at, the more it looks like the puck is on the line.

briere’s should have been good, vanek’s should not. that islander’s goal was called no goal b/c the ref apparently blew the play dead when the goalie started getting pushed in the net. since they can’t sync up the replay with exactly when the whistle blew, it’s hard to call that one a goal.

I don’t know why briere didn’t just put it straight up top shelf, we wouldn’t have had this problem…

We really just need the offense to pick it up… We’ve allowed an average of 2 goals in the last 9 games… since when can’t the sabres put 3 in the net…

Lundqvist is the X factor… we just need to stir some things up with him and its all over… The Sabres will take game 5, and there keep that momentum into game 6 and we’re off to play Ottawa.

Which, will be the Highest scoring series of all time… and I’m EXCITED!!

Still a little bitter that they didn’t have a better angle at that goal/no goal :frowning:


Agree to disagree…

It wasn’t clearly seen in the video that the puck itself was over the line, but the puck was under the pad, which crossed the line…

Just because you can not physically see the puck itself in NO WAY means it’s inconclusive…if the puck is under the pad, and the pad is over the line, one can easily conclude that the puck is across the line as well…but since you can’t see the puck itself, no goal…fucking stupid call…


Kinda like how Miller had the puck underneath him in the Islanders series and it was called no goal? Kinda like that? Because any idiot could tell you that it was underneath him when he was across the line. But since you couldn’t physically SEE the puck over the line, it wasn’t a goal.

I can’t believe some of you are still crying about that. It’s not like it happened in OT and then the Rangers scored on the next faceoff.

We all know it was a goal but it cannot be called a goal because there wasn’t evidence to overturn the no goal ruling on the ice. Its a bummer but why the hell are the sabres not putting more in the net anyway, that is the real question. The rangers played better hockey last night plain and simple. Come friday they had better get their shit together or else there will be problems.


cough a lot of bandwagon people are jumping ship


fucking GOOD…maybe ticket prices can go down now so the rest of the REAL FANS can afford to go…

ya no shit! i havent been to one game all year or playoffs ughhh


it is over. stick a fork in them. turn the lights out at HSBC, and lets talk about this team for the next 100 years…maybe by then the hell will freeze over and the bills and sabers make it to the “big” game and win


+1 to the bandwagon fan list in this thread

^^ hey you bought tix… (to micah) just… other people actually bought them. shoulda went, that was a sweet game. lol


ya no shit! i havent been to one game all year or playoffs ughhh


I never expect to go to playoff games because of cost but this year it was just plain hard to get tickets for anything. I have been saying all year that im glad they are doing well but part of me misses being able to get tickets for next to nothing because people couldent make it and just want to get rid of them.

Forgot to post this after the 1st game. Audios is the fucking man with these tickets.

and that picture proves nothing…even if you enhance the colors, it still looks like the toe of his pad is right along the goal line, and even with the puck flat on his pad, you STILL can’t CONVINVINGLY PROVE that it did or did not cross the line. if the referee had called it a goal, there would have been no way to overturn it into “not a goal”

the best part is that it would have only tied the game…imagine the EXTRA heartache if we lost in overtime…stick the knife in deeper while we’re at it

goal didn’t count, the game ended last night. rangers have been great at home all season, lundfag has won like 8 in a row at home, good for him. series shifts to buffalo for a best of 3 series. lets see how goose really is for this team on friday night and focus on WINNING THAT GAME rather than crying about no goal. danny briere already said it was the right call, why can’t everyone just agree with el capitain?

Pretty good article. Sums up this town and this team well.