OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

Max is already a machine in game 5, before the goal that is.

He was one of the best forwards out there all night. He started a little shaky and had the one bad turnover early right in front of the net. But he was using his speed again to get around checks and create opportunities…

gonna be a fun game 6 to watch!

yeah, we had a great spot and the energy of the crowd was INTENSE. were def. doing that again.

rolf hats funny

Lundquist is their best player…he is scary good

and jagr doesnt have the same energy

come on Sabres,we can end this on sunday

jagr is 105 years old and gets tired, his comments are so funny at the end of the game

I hope Avery dies.

Jagr is overrated and a whiny bastard
He definetly looked hurt at the end of the 2nd.

Lundquist is freaking amazing and the only reason the rangers are in the playoffs.

Chris Drury is an absolute WINNER and I really hope he stays over Briere…I am not a fan of #48 in the Penalty box so much lately.

Maxim finally got his head out of his ass and is being more heady.

With Max, Timmy C as 2 of the most amazing puck handlers on the ice and Zubrus the puck master I think the Sabres can put just about any game on lockdown.

I really enjoyed for the first time the entire playoffs watching this Sabres team and the energy they played with for almost the entire game.

Take it in 6 fellas!!!

“I just wanted to celebrate and nothing was coming in my head, so I just dove,” Afinogenov said.


Jagr? overrated? lol. thats funny, he is a one man wrecking crew, not a single one of our players can take him off his feet.

Dude…he hasnt done shit then entire series…he has 2 GARBAGE goals. And I have seen him quit on plays.

I didnt say he isnt talented…I said Overrated. He isnt going to save the rangers from elimination with the efforts he has put forth. If it wasnt for their net minder this series is over in 4.

thats funny i seem to remember Zubrus laying him out at center ice a few games ago.

whats funny is he got hammered by zubrus and has not done shit in this series, plus hes old as dirt.

Jagr still is a Great player… he really is that offense… I have a ton of respect for him… and yes he is getting old and it looks like he is getting tired a little sooner than he use to…

but being 6-3 245… he’s solid… I do think his shot choices have sucked ass though

who needs to take him off his feet (aside from zuuuuuuuubrus) when hes the easiest player in the world to mind fuck. after game 1, the guy sounded like they just lost the series…countless stupid penalties…hes a TERRIBLE leader for that hockey team…

haha i see a lot of ppl disagree with me.

jdmr2 said we dont need to hit him, just mind fuck him. totally right, we threw him off his game last night and it was great. and his petty shit starting fights was laughable.

my point is, Jagr is NOT overrated. Jagr is one of the best and deserves be a hall of famer. And i’ll tell u something, if the rest of his team could keep up with him, they would take the cup.

edit: and one more thing. one nice hit doesnt say anything. on numerous occasions he has taken the puck around behind the net and just shut out our D. they try and lay their bodies into Jagr and he is like a stone wall.

Oh and another thing. Garbage goals or not, the puck finds the back of the net.

“Doesnt matter if u win by an inch or a mile, a win is a win. Any real racer knows that.”

:lol: I thought it was funny

He’s got 3 points in 5 games. It’s not as though that’s terrible.

Certainly not at a the level he used to play it. But still.

Holy batman?!?1 Are you my soulmate? You pretty much summed up my thoughts perfectly in that one post.

And :tup: :tup: to the team last nght. It was the first time I’ve had confidence in them this post season. I sat and watched every second of that game, and knew they’d find a way to make it work. They looked like the Sabres of last years playoffs with the relentless forecheck, and effort, and defensemen jumping into the offensive play left and right.

As for Jagr, it doesn’t take much to get under his skin. That time when he punched Zubruis after the play stemmed soley from the fact that he was frustrated he wasn’t getting offensive time, and Jagr doesn’t play defense.

Forecheck, keep the Rangers in their own zone, and running around and it’s over in 6.

It will be interesting to see what the MSG ice crew does to slow down the Sabres. I’m thinking they’ll melt the ice completely and simply paint the cement white. When you see the rangers running around in sneakers, you’ll know why.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this goes 7 games. Lunqvist is amazing, the Rangers are going to be really good next year if he continues this level of play next year. I can see them finishing in the top 4.